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10 August 2020
de Lange, A. and Løvseth, L. and Teoh, Kevin and Christensen, M. (2020) Healthy healthcare: lessons learned and a new research agenda for occupational health psychology. [Editorial/Introduction] (In Press)
16 October 2020
de Lange, A. and Løvseth, L. and Christensen, M. and Teoh, Kevin, eds. (2020) Healthy healthcare: empirical occupational health research and evidence-based practice. Frontiers Media. ISBN 9782889662548.
1 April 2024
de Lange, A. and Teoh, Kevin and Fleuren, B. and Medisauskaite, Asta and Løvseth, L. and Reig-Botella, A. and Brulin, E. and Innstrand, S. and Lundmark, R. and van Dorssen, P. and Bååthe, F. and Heijkants, C. and Furunes, T. and Correia, I. (2024) Opportunities and challenges in designing and evaluating complex multilevel, multi-stakeholder occupational health interventions in practice. Work & Stress: An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations , ISSN 0267-8373.