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Calì, Andrea and Lembo, D. and Rosati, R. (2005) A comprehensive semantic framework for data integration systems. Journal of Applied Logic 3 (2), pp. 308-328. ISSN 1570-8683.
Book Section
Xiao, G. and Calvanese, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Lembo, D. and Poggi, A. and Rosati, R. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2018) Ontology-based data access: a survey. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 5511-5519. ISBN 9780999241127.
Calì, Andrea (2017) Ontology querying: datalog strikes back. In: Ianni, G. and Lembo, D. and Bertossi, L. and Faber, W. and Glimm, B. and Gottlob, G. and Staab, S. (eds.) Reasoning Web. Semantic Interoperability on the Web. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10370 10370. Springer, pp. 64-67. ISBN 9783319610320.
Gutiérrez-Basulto, V. and Ibáñez-García, Y. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kostylev, E. (2013) Conjunctive queries with negation over DL-Lite: a closer look. In: Faber, W. and Lembo, D. (eds.) Web Reasoning and Rule Systems. LNCS 7994. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 109-122. ISBN 9783642396656.
Artale, A. and Calvanese, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, M. (2007) Complexity of reasoning in entity relationship models. In: Calvanese, D. and Franconi, E. and Haarslev, V. and Lembo, D. and Motik, B. and Turhan, A.-Y. and Tessaris, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 250. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Kontchakov, Roman and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, M. (2007) Modularity in DL-Lite. In: Calvanese, D. and Franconi, E. and Haarslev, V. and Lembo, D. and Motik, B. and Turhan, A.-Y. and Tessaris, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Calì, Andrea and Lembo, D. and Rosati, R. and Ruzzi, M. (2004) Experimenting data integration with DIS@DIS. In: Persson, A. and Stirna, J. (eds.) Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3084. Springer. ISBN 9783540221517.
Calì, Andrea and De Nigris, S. and Lembo, D. and Messineo, G. and Rosati, R. and Ruzzi, M. (2003) DIS@DIS: a system for semantic data integration under integrity constraints. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 335-338. ISBN 9780769519999.
Calì, Andrea and De Nigris, S. and Lembo, D. and Messineo, G. and Rosati, R. and Ruzzi, M. (2003) DIS@DIS: un sistema per l'Integrazione semantica dei dati in presenza di vincoli di integrita. In: Flesca, S. and Greco, S. and Sacca, D. and Zumpano, E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems. Rubettino Editore, pp. 537-544.
Calì, Andrea and Lembo, D. and Rosati, R. (2003) Intensional query processing in data integration systems under integrity constraints. In: Flesca, S. and Greco, S. and Sacca, D. and Zumpano, E. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eleventh Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems. Rubettino Editore, pp. 475-482.
Calì, Andrea and Lembo, D. and Rosati, R. (2003) On the decidability and complexity of query answering over inconsistent and incomplete databases. In: Neven, F. and Beeri, C. and Milo, T. (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Principles of Database Systems. ACM, pp. 260-271.
Calì, Andrea and Lembo, D. and Rosati, R. (2003) Query rewriting and answering under constraints in data integration systems. In: Gottlob, G. and Walsh, T. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 16-21.
Calì, Andrea and Lembo, D. and Lenzerini, M. and Rosati, R. (2003) Source integration for data warehousing. In: Rafanelli, M. (ed.) Multidimensional Databases: Problems and Solutions. Idea Group, pp. 361-392. ISBN 9781591400530.