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Senju, Atsushi and Southgate, Victoria and Snape, C. and Leonard, M. and Csibra, Gergely (2011) Do 18-month-olds really attribute mental states to others? A critical test. Psychological Science 22 (7), pp. 878-880. ISSN 0956-7976.
Book Section
Leonard, M. and Breithoff, Esther (2019) Warfare and the senses: archaeologies of the senses and sensorial archaeologies of recent conflict. In: Skeates, R. and Day, J. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology. Routledge. ISBN 9781138676299.
Lorentzos, N.A. and Johnson, Roger (1987) TRAA model for a temporal relational algebra. In: Rolland, C. and Bodart, F. and Leonard, M. (eds.) Temporal Aspects in Information Systems: Proceedings of the IFIP Working Conference on Temporal Aspects in Information Systems. Elsevier.