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McBrien, P. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2018) Towards data visualisation based on conceptual modelling. In: Trujillo, J.C. and Davis, K.C. and Du, X. and Li, Z. and Ling, T.W. and Li, G. and Lee, M.L. (eds.) Conceptual Modeling: 37th International Conference, ER 2018, Xi'an, China, October 22–25, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11157. Springer, pp. 91-99. ISBN 9783030008468.
Zhang, Dell and Wang, X. and Dong, Y. (2004) Web taxonomy integration using spectral graph transducer. In: Atzeni, P. and Chu, W.W. and Lu, H. and Zhou, S. and Ling, T.W. (eds.) ER 2004: Conceptual Modelling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3288. Springer, pp. 300-312. ISBN 9783540237235.