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Chauviac, Francois-Xavier and Bommer, M. and Yan, Jun and Parkin, G. and Daviter, Tina and Lowden, Philip A.S. and Raven, E. L. and Thalassinos, Konstantinos and Keep, Nicholas H. (2012) Crystal structure of reduced MsAcg a putative nitroreductase from Mycobacterium smegmatis, and a close homologue of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Acg. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 , pp. 44372-44383. ISSN 0021-9258.
Taylor, D.M. and Balabadra, U. and Xiang, Z. and Woodman, B. and Meade, S. and Amore, A. and Maxwell, M.M. and Reeves, S. and Bates, G.P. and Luthi-Carter, R. and Lowden, Philip A.S. and Kazantsev, A.G. (2011) A brain-permeable small molecule reduces neuronal cholesterol by inhibiting activity of Sirtuin 2 Deacetylase. ACS Chemical Biology 6 (6), pp. 540-546. ISSN 1554-8929.
Menalled, L.B. and Patry, M. and Ragland, N. and Lowden, Philip A.S. and Goodman, J. and Minnich, J. and Zahasky, B. and Park, L. and Leeds, J. and Howland, D. and Signer, E. and Tobin, A.J. and Brunner, D. (2010) Comprehensive behavioral testing in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington's disease shows no benefit from CoQ10 or minocycline. PLoS One 5 (3), ISSN 1932-6203.
Hockly, E. and Tse, J. and Barker, A.L. and Moolman, D.L. and Beunard, Jean-Luc and Revington, Adrian P. and Holt, K. and Sunshine, S. and Moffitt, H. and Sathasivam, K. and Woodman, B. and Wanker, E.E. and Lowden, Philip A.S. and Bates, G.P. (2006) Evaluation of the benzothiazole aggregation inhibitors riluzole and PGL-135 as therapeutics for Huntington's disease. Neurobiology of Disease 21 (1), pp. 228-236. ISSN 0969-9961.