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Fletcher, G.H.L. and Peters, J. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2016) Efficient regular path query evaluation using path indexes. In: Pitoura, E. and Maabout, S. and Koutrika, G. and Marian, A. and Tanca, L. and Manolescu, I. and Stefanidis, K. (eds.) 19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology Bordeaux, France, March 15–18, 2016 Proceedings. Bordeaux, France:, pp. 636-639. ISBN 9783893180707.
Calì, Andrea and Martinenghi, D. (2010) Querying the deep web. In: Manolescu, I. and Spaccapietra, S. and Teubner, J. and Kitsuregawa, M. and Leger, A. and Naumann, F. and Ailamaki, A. and Ozcan, F. (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Extending Database Technology. New York, USA: ACM Publications, pp. 724-727. ISBN 9781605589459.
Zhang, Dell and Mao, R. (2008) Classifying networked entities with modularity kernels. In: Shanahan, J.G. and Amer-Yahia, S. and Manolescu, I. and Zhang, Y. and Evans, D.A. and Kolcz, A. and Choi, K.-S. and Chowdhury, A. (eds.) Proceeding of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge mining - CIKM '08. New York, U.S.: ACM Press, pp. 113-122. ISBN 9781595939913.