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Ilyas, I.F. and Markl, V. and Haas, P.J. and Brown, Paul and Aboulnaga, A. (2004) CORDS: automatic discovery of correlations and soft functional dependencies. In: Weikum, G. and Konig, A.C. and Dessloch, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 647-658. ISBN 9781581138597.
Altinel, M. and Brown, Paul and Cline, S. and Kartha, R. and Louie, E. and Markl, V. and Mau, L. and Ng, Y.-H. and Simmen, D.E. and Singh, A. and Srivastava, D. (2007) DAMIA: a data mashup fabric for intranet applications. In: Koch, C. and Gehrke, J. and Garofalakis, M.N. and Aberer, K. and Deshpande, A. and Florescu, D. and Yong Chan, C. and Ganti, V. and Kanne, C.-C. and Klas, W. and Neuhold, E.J. (eds.) ACM 2007: Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1370-1373. ISBN 9781595936493.