Browse by Person

Castells, P. and Wang, J. and Lara, R. and Zhang, Dell (2011) Workshop on novelty and diversity in recommender systems - DiveRS 2011. In: Mobasher, B. and Burke, R.D. and Jannach, D. and Adomavicius, G. (eds.) Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems - RecSys '11. New York, U.S.: ACM Press, pp. 393-394. ISBN 9781450306836.
Keenoy, K. and Levene, Mark (2003) Personalisation of web search. In: Mobasher, B. and Anand, S.S. (eds.) Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization: IJCAI 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3169. Springer, pp. 201-228. ISBN 9783540298465.