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Vidgen, Richard and Mortenson, M. and Powell, Philip (2019) Invited viewpoint: how well does the Information Systems discipline fare in the Financial Times’ top 50 Journal list? The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 28 (4), p. 101577. ISSN 0963-8687.
Kunc, M. and Mortenson, M. and Vidgen, Richard (2018) A computational literature review of the field of System Dynamics from 1974 to 2017. Journal of Simulation 12 (2), pp. 115-127. ISSN 1747-7778.
Hindle, G. and Kunc, M. and Mortenson, M. and Oztekin, A. and Vidgen, Richard (2019) Business analytics: defining the field and identifying a research agenda. [Editorial/Introduction]