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Jump to: 5 August 2015 | 23 March 2016
Number of items: 2.
5 August 2015
Wiseman, F. and Fisher, E. and Al_Janabi, T. and Hardy, J. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Nizetic, D. and Tybulewicz, V. and Strydom, A. (2015) A genetic cause of Alzheimer disease: mechanistic insights from Down syndrome. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 16 , pp. 564-574. ISSN 1471-003X.
23 March 2016
Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Al-Janabi, T. and D'Souza, Hana and Groet, J. and Massand, Esha and Mok, K. and Startin, C. and Fisher, E. and Hardy, J. and Nizetic, D. and Tybulewicz, V. and Strydom, A. (2016) The importance of understanding individual differences in Down syndrome. F1000Research 5 , p. 389. ISSN 2046-1402.