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Jump to: 1 January 2015 | 1 September 2015
Number of items: 2.
1 January 2015
Nordheim, Tom and Dartnell, L.R. and Desorgher, L. and Coates, Andrew J. and Jones, Geraint H. (2015) Ionization of the Venusian atmosphere from solar and galactic cosmic rays. Icarus 245 , pp. 80-86. ISSN 0019-1035.
1 September 2015
Dartnell, L.R. and Nordheim, Tom and PATEL, M.R. and Mason, J. and Coates, Andrew J. and Jones, Geraint H. (2015) Constraints on a potential aerial biosphere on Venus: I. cosmic rays. Icarus 257 , pp. 396-405. ISSN 0019-1035.