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Biochemical Journal
Rego, A.T. and Chandran, Vidya and Waksman, Gabriel (2010) Two-step and one-step secretion mechanisms in gram-negative bacteria: contrasting the type IV secretion system and the chaperone-usher pathway of pilus biogenesis. Biochemical Journal 425 , pp. 475-488. ISSN 0264-6021.
Rego, A.T. and Fronzes, Remi and Waksman, Gabriel (2010) SnapShot: bacterial appendages II. Cell 140 (2), p. 294. ISSN 0092-8674.
Rego, A.T. and Fronzes, Remi and Waksman, Gabriel (2010) SnapShot: bacterial appendages I. Cell 140 (1), 162-u163. ISSN 0092-8674.
Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets
Durand, E. and Verger, Denis and Rego, A.T. and Chandran, Vidya and Meng, G.Y. and Fronzes, Remi and Waksman, Gabriel (2009) Structural biology of bacterial secretion systems in gram-negative pathogens--potential for new drug targets. Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets 9 (5), pp. 518-847. ISSN 1871-5265.
Journal of Bacteriology
Ford, B. and Rego, A.T. and Ragan, T.J. and Pinkner, J.S. and Dodson, K. and Driscoll, P.C. and Hultgren, S.J. and Waksman, Gabriel (2010) Structural homology between the C-Terminal domain of the PapC usher and its plug. Journal of Bacteriology 192 (7), pp. 1824-1831. ISSN 0021-9193.