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ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies
Rogaly, B. and Taylor, Becky (2015) For the likes of us? Retelling the classed production of a British university campus. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 14 (1), ISSN 1492-9732.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Rogaly, B. and Taylor, Becky (2010) ‘They called them Communists then...what d’you call ‘em now?... Insurgents?’ Narratives of British military expatriates in the context of the new imperialism. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 36 (8), pp. 1335-1351. ISSN 1369-183X.
Rogaly, B. and Taylor, Becky (2010) 'They called them communists then... what d'you call 'em now?.. insurgents?'. narratives of British military expatriates in the context of the new imperialism. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 36 (6), pp. 87-126. ISSN 1369-183X.
Twentieth Century British History
Taylor, Becky and Rogaly, B. (2007) 'Mrs Fairly is a dirty, lazy type': unsatisfactory households and the problem of problem families, Norwich, 1942-1963. Twentieth Century British History 18 (4), pp. 429-452. ISSN 0955-2359.