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Moran, Leslie J. (2008) Protecting the judge: a case study in the cultural lives of the judiciary. Studies in Law, Politics and Society 46 , pp. 93-115. ISSN 1059-4337.
Book Section
Motha, Stewart (2016) Mistaken judgments. In: Sarat, A. and Douglas, L. and Umphrey, M. (eds.) Law's Mistakes. The Amherst Series in Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought. Amherst, U.S.: University of Massachusetts Press, pp. 18-43. ISBN 9781625341938.
Fitzpatrick, Peter (2009) Making difference: modernity and the political formations of death. In: Ogletree, C.J. and Sarat, A. (eds.) The Road to Abolition? The Future of Capital Punishment in the United States. The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute Series on Race and Justice. New York City, NY, USA: New York University Press, pp. 319-348. ISBN 9780814762189.
Moran, Leslie J. (2009) Projecting the judge: a case study in the cultural lives of the judiciary. In: Sarat, A. (ed.) Law and Film: Essays on the State of the Field. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society 46. Bingley, West Yorkshire, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9781848553781.
Douzinas, Costas (2009) A humanities of resistance: fragments for a legal history of humanity. In: Sarat, A. and Anderson, A. and Frank, C.O. (eds.) Law and the Humanities: An Introduction. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 49-72. ISBN 9780521899055.
Moran, Leslie (2008) Cause lawyering 'English style': reading Rumpole of the Bailey. In: Sarat, A. and Schiengold, S. (eds.) The Cultural Life of Cause Lawyers. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 297-330. ISBN 9780521711357.
Moran, Leslie (2004) Sexuality in law and society scholarship. In: Sarat, A. (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Law and Society. Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 9780470692912.
Hanafin, Patrick (2003) Surviving law: death culture community. In: Sarat, A. (ed.) Studies in Law, Politics and Society. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 97-115. ISBN 9780762310159.