Browse by Person

Grøntoft, T. and Odlyha, Marianne and Mottner, P. and Dahlin, E. and Lopez-Aparicio, S. and Jakiela, S. and Scharff, M. and Andrade, G. and Obarzanowski, M. and Ryhl-Svendsen, M. (2010) Pollution monitoring by dosimetry and passive diffusion sampling for evaluation of environmental conditions for paintings in microclimate frames. Journal of Cultural Heritage 11 (4), pp. 411-419. ISSN 1296-2074.
Odlyha, Marianne and Foster, G. and Scharff, M. (1998) Non-invasive evaluation of moisture sorption and desorption processes in canvasses. Thermochimica Acta 321 (1-2), pp. 197-206. ISSN 0040-6031.
Conference or Workshop Item
Odlyha, Marianne and Jakiela, S. and Slater, Jonathan M. and Bozec, L. and Bergsten, C.J. and Gronthoft, T. and Dahlin, E. and Colombini, M.P. and Bonaduce, I. and Thickett, D. and Larsen, M. and Scharff, M. (2011) Piezo-electric quartz crystal-based dosimetry and damage assessment of parchment and artists’ varnish. In: European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation - EWCHP 2011, 26-28 Sep 2011, Berlin, Germany.