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Baral, C. and Gabaldon, A. and Provetti, Alessandro (1996) Value minimization in circumscription. In: Carlucci Aiello, L. and Doyle, J. and Shapiro, S.C. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 474-481.
Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (1998) On the decidability of description logics with modal operators. In: Cohn, A.G. and Schubert, L.K. and Shapiro, S.C. (eds.) KR '98: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 512-523. ISBN 9781558605541.