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Ethridge, F.G. and Skelly, R.L. and Bristow, Charlie S. (1999) Avulsion and crevassing in the sandy, braided Niobrara River: complex response to base-level rise and aggradation. In: Smith, N.D. and Rogers, J.J. (eds.) Fluvial Sedimentology. Wiley, pp. 179-191. ISBN 9780632053544.
Bristow, Charlie S. and Skelly, R.L. and Ethridge, F.G. (1999) Crevasse splays from the rapidly aggrading, sand bed, braided Niobrara River, Nebraska: effect of base level rise. Sedimentology 46 (6), pp. 1029-1047. ISSN 0037-0746.
Skelly, R.L. and Bristow, Charlie S. and Ethridge, F.G. (2003) Architecture of channel-belt deposits in an aggrading shallow sandbed braided river: the lower Niobrara River, northeast Nebraska. Sedimentary Geology 158 (3-4), pp. 249-270. ISSN 0037-0738.