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Teng, Z. and Pontes, Halley and Nie, Q. and Griffiths, M.D. and Guo, C. (2021) Depression and anxiety symptoms associated with internet gaming disorder before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study. Journal of Behavioral Addictions 10 (1), pp. 169-180. ISSN 2062-5871.
Teng, Z. and Pontes, Halley and Nie, Q. and Xiang, G. and Griffiths, M.D. and Guo, C. (2020) Internet gaming disorder and psychosocial well-being: A longitudinal study of older-aged adolescents and emerging adults. Addictive Behaviors 110 , p. 106530. ISSN 0306-4603.
Wang, Q. and Teng, Z. and Xing, J. and Gao, J. and Hu, W. and Maybank, Stephen J. (2018) Learning attentions: residual attentional Siamese Network for high performance online visual tracking. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , ISSN 1063-6919.