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Teubner, G. and Everson, Michelle (2011) Translation (German to English) - Networks as connected contracts (edited with an introduction by Hugh Collins). Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK.
Schütz, Anton (2008) Von einem neuerdings erhobenen gerechten ton in der autopoietischen jurisprudenz / On a recently raised tone of righteousness in autopoietic legal theory. In: Teubner, G. (ed.) Nach Jacques Derrida und Niklas Luhmann: Zur (Un-)Möglichkeit einer Gesellschaftstheorie der Gerechtigkeit. Themenheft Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie Heft 29 1. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius, pp. 53-79. ISBN 9783828204430.
Everson, Michelle (2004) Law and non-law in the constitutionalisation of Europe: comments on Eriksen and Fossum. In: Joerges, C. and Sand, I.-J. and Teubner, G. (eds.) Transnational Governance and Constitutionalism. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781847311771.
Teubner, G. and Everson, Michelle (2003) Translated (German to English) - Coincidentia oppositorum: networks and the law beyond contract and organization. UNSPECIFIED.
Karavas, V. and Teubner, G. and Everson, Michelle (2003) Translation (German to English) - The Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights on ‘Private Parties’ within Autonomous Internet Law. Nomos, Baden Baden, Germany.