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Davelaar, Eddy J. and Lange, Nicholas D. and Thomas, R.P. (2012) Data acquisition and hypothesis generation. In: Russwinkel, N. and Drewitz, U. and van Rijn, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cognitive Modelling. Berlin, Germany: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, pp. 31-36. ISBN 9783798324084.
29 June 2012
Lange, Nicholas D. and Thomas, R.P. and Davelaar, Eddy J. (2012) Temporal dynamics of hypothesis generation: the influences of data serial order, data consistency, and elicitation timing. Frontiers in Psychology , ISSN 1664-1078.
November 2012
Lange, Nicholas D. and Thomas, R.P. and Buttaccio, D.R. and Davelaar, Eddy J. (2012) Catching a glimpse of working memory: top-down capture as a tool for measuring the content of the mind. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74 (8), pp. 1562-1567. ISSN 1943-3921.
February 2013
Lange, Nicholas D. and Thomas, R.P. and Buttaccio, D.R. and Illingworth, D.A. and Davelaar, Eddy J. (2013) Working memory dynamics bias the generation of beliefs: the influence of data presentation rate on hypothesis generation. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 20 (1), pp. 171-176. ISSN 1069-9384.
September 2013
Lange, Nicholas D. and Davelaar, Eddy J. and Thomas, R.P. (2013) Data acquisition dynamics and hypothesis generation. Cognitive Systems Research 24 , pp. 9-17. ISSN 1389-0417.
January 2014
Buttaccio, D.R. and Lange, Nicholas D. and Hahn, S. and Thomas, R.P. (2014) Explicit awareness supports conditional visual search in the retrieval guidance paradigm. Acta Psychologica 145 , pp. 44-53. ISSN 0001-6918.
February 2014
Lange, Nicholas D. and Buttaccio, D.R. and Davelaar, Eddy J. and Thomas, R.P. (2014) Using the memory activation capture (MAC) procedure to investigate the temporal dynamics of hypothesis generation. Memory & Cognition 42 (2), pp. 264-274. ISSN 0090-502X.
Buttaccio, D.R. and Lange, Nicholas and Thomas, R.P. and Dougherty, M.R. (2017) Does constraining memory maintenance reduce visual search efficiency? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology , pp. 1-19. ISSN 1747-0218.