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    Number of items: 20.

    June 2008

    Tollner, T. and Gramann, K. and Muller, Hermann J. and Kiss, Monika and Eimer, Martin (2008) Electrophysiological markers of visual dimension changes and response changes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 34 (3), pp. 531-542. ISSN 0096-1523.

    25 June 2009

    Muller, Hermann J. and Tollner, T. and Zehetleitner, M. and Gramann, K. (2009) Top-down weighting of visual dimensions: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Vision Research 50 (14), pp. 1372-1381. ISSN 0042-6989.


    Tollner, T. and Zehetleitner, M. and Krummenacher, J. and Muller, Hermann J. (2010) Perceptual basis of redundancy gains in visual pop-out search. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (1), pp. 137-150. ISSN 0898-929X.

    September 2010

    Gramann, K. and Tollner, T. and Muller, Hermann J. (2010) Dimension-based attention modulates early visual processing. Psychophysiology 47 (5), pp. 968-978. ISSN 0048-5772.

    October 2010

    Muller, Hermann J. and Tollner, T. and Zehetleitner, M. and Geyer, T. and Rangelov, D. and Krummenacher, J. (2010) Dimension-based attention modulates feed-forward visual processing. Acta Psychologica 135 (2), pp. 117-122. ISSN 00016918.

    21 January 2011

    Tollner, T. and Zehetleitner, M. and Gramann, K. and Muller, Hermann J. (2011) Stimulus saliency modulates pre-attentive processing speed in human visual cortex. PLoS One 6 (1), ISSN 1932-6203.

    July 2011

    Conci, M. and Tollner, T. and Leszczynski, M. and Muller, Hermann J. (2011) The time-course of global and local attentional guidance in Kanizsa-Figure detection. Neuropsychologia 49 (9), pp. 2456-2464. ISSN 0028-3932.


    Tollner, T. and Strobach, T. and Schubert, T. and Muller, Hermann J. (2012) The effect of task order predictability in audio-visual dual task performance: just a central capacity limitation? Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 6 (75), ISSN 1662-5145.

    25 June 2012

    Tollner, T. and Rangelov, D. and Muller, Hermann J. (2012) How the speed of motor-response decisions, but not focal-attentional selection, differs as a function of task set and target prevalence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (28), E1990-E1999. ISSN 0027-8424.

    July 2012

    Tollner, T. and Muller, Hermann J. and Zehetleitner, M. (2012) Top-down dimensional weight set determines the capture of visual attention: evidence from the PCN component. Cerebral Cortex 22 (7), pp. 1554-1563. ISSN 1047-3211.


    Tollner, T. and Conci, M. and Rusch, T. and Muller, Hermann J. (2013) Selective manipulation of target identification demands in visual search: the role of stimulus contrast in CDA activations. Journal of Vision 13 (23), ISSN 1534-7362.

    Rangelov, D. and Tollner, T. and Muller, Hermann J. and Zehetleitner, M. (2013) What are task-sets: a single, integrated representation or a collection of multiple control representations? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7 (524), ISSN 1662-5161.

    March 2013

    Wiegand, I. and Finke, K. and Muller, Hermann J. and Tollner, T. (2013) Event-related potentials dissociate perceptual from response-related age effects in visual search. Neurobiology of Aging 34 (3), pp. 973-985. ISSN 0197-4580.


    Krummenacher, J. and Grubert, A. and Tollner, T. and Muller, Hermann J. (2014) Salience-based integration of redundant signals in visual pop-out search: evidence from behavioral and electrophysiological measures. Journal of Vision 14 (3), p. 26. ISSN 1534-7362.

    Gokce, A. and Geyer, T. and Finke, K. and Muller, Hermann J. and Tollner, T. (2014) What pops out in positional priming of pop-out: insights from event-related EEG lateralizations. Frontiers in Psychology 5 , ISSN 1664-1078.

    August 2014

    Wiegand, I. and Tollner, T. and Habekost, T. and Dyrholm, M. and Muller, Hermann J. and Finke, K. (2014) Distinct neural markers of TVA-based visual processing speed and short-term storage capacity parameters. Cerebral Cortex 24 (8), pp. 1967-1978. ISSN 1047-3211.

    September 2014

    Wiegand, I. and Tollner, T. and Dyrholm, M. and Muller, Hermann J. and Bundesen, C. and Finke, K. (2014) Neural correlates of age-related decline and compensation in visual attention capacity. Neurobiology of Aging 35 (9), pp. 2161-2173. ISSN 0197-4580.

    March 2015

    Tollner, T. and Conci, M. and Muller, Hermann J. (2015) Predictive distractor context facilitates attentional selection of high, but not intermediate and low, salience targets. Human Brain Mapping 36 (3), pp. 935-944. ISSN 1065-9471.

    July 2015

    Bocca, F. and Tollner, T. and Muller, Hermann J. and Taylor, P. (2015) The right angular gyrus combines perceptual and response-related expectancies in visual search: TMS-EEG evidence. Brain Stimulation 8 (4), pp. 816-822. ISSN 1935-861X.

    December 2015

    Wiegand, I. and Finke, K. and Tollner, T. and Starman, K. and Muller, Hermann J. and Conci, M. (2015) Age-related decline in global form suppression. Biological Psychology 112 , pp. 116-124. ISSN 0301-0511.

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