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18 November 2004
Seghedi, I. and Downes, Hilary and Vaselli, O. and Szakács, A. and Balogh, K. and Pécskay, Z. (2004) Post-collisional Tertiary–Quaternary mafic alkalic magmatism in the Carpathian–Pannonian region: a review. Tectonophysics 393 (1-4), pp. 43-62. ISSN 0040-1951.
1 March 2017
Marchev, P. and Arai, S. and Vaselli, O. and Costa, F. and Zanetti, A. and Downes, Hilary (2017) Metasomatic reaction phenomena from entrainment to surface cooling: evidence from Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from Bulgaria. Journal of Petrology 58 (3), pp. 599-640. ISSN 0022-3530.
February 2019
Pinarelli, L. and Gioncada, A. and Capaccioni, B. and Vaselli, O. and Downes, Hilary (2019) Mantle source heterogeneity in subduction zones: constraints from elemental and isotope (Sr, Nd, and Pb) data on Vulcano Island, Aeolian Archipelago, Italy. Mineralogy and Petrology 113 (1), pp. 39-60. ISSN 0930-0708.