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1 March 2016
Kornelakis, A. and Veliziotis, M. and Voskeritsian, Horen and Kapotas, P. (2016) Prospects for new employment relations and labour market model in Greece. Project Report. Hellenic Observatory.
Kornelakis, A. and Veliziotis, M. and Voskeritsian, Horen (2017) How can competitiveness be achieved in post-crisis Europe: deregulating employment relations or enhancing high performance work practices? The International Journal of Human Resource Management 28 (21), pp. 3089-3108. ISSN 0958-5192.
September 2017
Voskeritsian, Horen and Veliziotis, M. and Kapotas, P. and Kornelakis, A. (2017) Between a rock and a hard place: social partners and reforms in the wage setting system in Greece under austerity. Discussion Paper. London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Kornelakis, A. and Veliziotis, M. and Voskeritsian, Horen (2018) Improving productivity: the case for employee voice and inclusive workplace practices. ETUI.
20 November 2019
Voskeritsian, Horen and Kapotas, P. and Kornelakis, A. and Veliziotis, M. (2019) The dark side of the labour market: institutional change, economic crisis and undeclared work in Greece. In: Pulignano, V. and Hendrickx, F. (eds.) Employment Relations in the 21st Century. Kluwer Law International. ISBN 9789403517643.
May 2022
Voskeritsian, Horen and Kornelakis, A. and Kapotas, P. and Veliziotis, M. (2022) United We Stand? Marketization, institutional change and employers’ associations in crisis. Economic and Industrial Democracy 43 (2), pp. 685-704. ISSN 0143-831X.