Browse by Person

Ereaut, G. and Whiting, Rebecca (2008) What do we mean by 'wellbeing'? and why might it matter? Other. Department for Children, Schools and Families.
Pritchard, Katrina and Whiting, Rebecca (2012) Autopilot? A reflexive review of the piloting process in qualitative e-research. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management 7 (3), pp. 338-353.
1 November 2014
Pritchard, Katrina and Whiting, Rebecca (2014) Baby boomers and the lost generation: on the discursive construction of generations at work. Organization Studies 35 (11), pp. 1605-1626. ISSN 0170-8406.
Whiting, Rebecca and Pritchard, Katrina (2015) Big Data? Qualitative Approaches to Digital Research. [Book Review]
Pritchard, Katrina and Whiting, Rebecca (2015) Generational Diversity at Work: New Research Perspectives. [Book Review]
September 2015
Pritchard, Katrina and Whiting, Rebecca (2015) Taking stock: a visual analysis of gendered ageing. Gender, Work & Organization 22 (5), pp. 510-528. ISSN 0968-6673.
September 2016
Jackson, Duncan and McDowall, Almuth and MacKenzie Davey, Kate and Whiting, Rebecca, eds. (2016) Principles of applied research methods. London, UK: Sage. ISBN 9781526403216.
Pritchard, K. and Whiting, Rebecca (2017) Investigating understandings of age in the workplace. In: Niven, K. and Lewis, S. and Kagan, C. (eds.) Making a Difference with Psychology. The Richard Benjamin Trust, pp. 225-234. ISBN 9781788085670.
December 2017
Pritchard, Katrina and Whiting, Rebecca (2017) Analysing web images. In: Cunliffe, A. and Cassell, C. and Grandy, G. (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods. London, UK: Sage. ISBN 9781473926622.
Whiting, Rebecca and Pritchard, Katrina (2017) Digital ethics. In: Cunliffe, A. and Cassell, C. and Grandy, G. (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods. London, UK: Sage. ISBN 9781473926622.
22 March 2018
Whiting, Rebecca and Symon, G. and Roby, H. and Chamakiotis, P. (2018) Participant-led video diaries. In: Buchanan, D. and Bryman, A. (eds.) Unconventional Methodology in Organization and Management Research. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198796985.
April 2018
Christmas, S. and Bloomfield, B. and Bradburn, H. and Duff, R. and Ereaut, G. and Miskelly, K. and Scorah, K. and Whiting, Rebecca (2018) Pollinating insects: what do they mean to people and why does it matter? DEFRA.
1 April 2018
Whiting, Rebecca and Symon, G. and Roby, H. and Chamakiotis, P. (2018) Who’s behind the lens? A reflexive analysis of roles in participatory video research. Organizational Research Methods 21 (2), pp. 316-340. ISSN 1094-4281.
October 2018
Symon, G. and Whiting, Rebecca (2018) The sociomaterial negotiation of social entrepreneurs’ meaningful work. Journal of Management Studies 56 (3), pp. 655-684. ISSN 0022-2380.
22 January 2020
Evans, Samantha and Whiting, Rebecca and MacKenzie Davey, Kate (2020) Struggles for distinction: classing as discursive process in UK museum work. Gender, Work & Organization , ISSN 0968-6673.
March 2020
Whiting, Rebecca (2020) Embracing research ethics approval: from cognitive walk-through to reflexive journey. In: Townsend, K. and Saunders, M. and Loudoun, R. and Morrison, E. (eds.) How to Keep Your Doctorate On Track: Insights From Students’ and Supervisors’ Experiences. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781788975629. (In Press)
1 October 2020
Whiting, Rebecca and Pritchard, K. (2020) Reconstructing retirement as an enterprising endeavour. Journal of Management Inquiry 29 (4), pp. 404-417. ISSN 1056-4926.
18 November 2020
Whiting, Rebecca and Pritchard, Katrina (2020) Collecting qualitative data using digital methods. London, UK: Sage. ISBN 9781526489937.
1 December 2020
Whiting, Rebecca and Symon, G. (2020) Digi-housekeeping: the invisible work of flexibility. Work, Employment & Society 34 (6), pp. 1079-1096. ISSN 0950-0170.
September 2022
Pritchard, Katrina and Whiting, Rebecca (2022) Tyred out: natural ageing and aesthetic labour in Pirelli’s 2017 calendar. Gender, Work & Organization 29 (5), pp. 1562-1577. ISSN 0968-6673.
6 March 2023
Symon, G. and Whiting, Rebecca and Taylor, R. (2023) “The Reformation of the 21st Century?” Church of England clergy experiences of ministry during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Project Report. Diocese of Oxford.
31 October 2023
Chamakiotis, P. and Symon, G. and Whiting, Rebecca (2023) Agentic interplay between hybridity and liminality in contemporary boundary work. Information Systems Journal , ISSN 1365-2575.
5 February 2024
Pritchard, Katrina and Whiting, Rebecca and Reed, C. (2024) Ageing and work-life complexities in retirement. In: Wilkinson, K. and Woolnough, H. (eds.) Work-life inclusion: Broadening perspectives across the life-course. Emerald, pp. 159-172. ISBN 9781803822204.
19 October 2024
Evans, S. and Whiting, Rebecca (2024) Everyday constructions of class-based inequality: field effects in UK museum work. Sociology , ISSN 0038-0385.
24 January 2025
Symon, G. and Whiting, Rebecca and Taylor, R. (2025) Beyond calling? Addressing the demands of modern ministry. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.
6 March 2025
Symon, G. and Whiting, Rebecca (2025) Advancing the social impact of work and organizational psychology through Qualitative Abductive Research (QAR). European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology , ISSN 1359-432X. (In Press)