Browse by Person
Redpath, S.M. and Linnell, J.D.C. and Festa-Bianchet, M. and Boitani, L. and Bunnefeld, N. and Dickman, A. and Gutierrez, R.J. and Irvine, R.J. and Johansson, M. and Majic, A. and McMahon, B. and Pooley, Simon and Sandstrom, C. and Sjolander-Lindqvist, A. and Skogen, K. and Swenson, J.E. and Trouwborst, A. and Young, J. and Milner-Gulland, E.J. (2017) Don’t forget to look down - collaborative approaches to predator conservation. Biological Reviews 92 (4), 2157- 2163. ISSN 1464-7931.
Book Section
Bowring, Bill (1999) Politics versus the rule of law in the work of the Russian Constitutional Court. In: Priban, J. and Young, J. (eds.) The rule of law in Central Europe : the reconstruction of legality, constitutionalism and civil society in the post-Communist countries. Ashgate. ISBN 9781840147193.