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Zheng, Y. and Bai, C. and Wang, L. and Han, Chunjia and Yang, Mu and Pappu, A. (2023) Evolutionary game analysis on the diffusion of general purpose technologies with government multiple supports. Economics of Innovation and New Technology , ISSN 1043-8599.
Zheng, Y. and Liu, S. and Zhao, Y. and Han, Chunjia and Zhou, Q. and Wang, L. and Colace, F. and Alhalabi, W. and Alsharif, H. (2023) Game analysis on general purpose technology cooperative R&D with fairness concern from the technology chain perspective. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (1), p. 100312. ISSN 2444-569X.
Wang, L. and Han, Chunjia and Zheng, Y. and Peng, X. and Yang, Mu and Gupta, B. (2023) Search for exploratory and exploitative service innovation in manufacturing firms: the role of ties with service intermediaries. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (1), p. 100288. ISSN 2444-569X.