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Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2015) The ruin as memorial - the memorial as ruin. Performance Research 20 (3), pp. 94-102. ISSN 1352-8165.
Baraitser, Lisa (2015) Psychoanalysis and feminism and …. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 20 (S2), pp. 151-159. ISSN 1088-0763.
Baraitser, Lisa (2015) Temporal drag: transdisciplinarity and the 'case' of psychosocial studies. Theory, Culture & Society 32 (5-6), pp. 207-231. ISSN 0263-2764.
Bolúmar-Montero, F. and Fuster-Ruiz de Apodaca, M.J. and Weait, Matthew and Alventosa, J. and Del Amo, J. (2015) Time trends, characteristics, and evidence of scientific advances within the legal complaints for alleged sexual HIV transmission in Spain: 1996–2012. AIDS Care 27 (4), pp. 529-535. ISSN 0954-0121.
Bourke, Joanna (2015) Love and limblessness: male heterosexuality, disability, and the Great War. Journal of War & Culture Studies 9 (1), pp. 3-19. ISSN 1752-6272.
Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2015) Death zones, comfort zones: queering the refugee question. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 22 (1), pp. 101-127. ISSN 1385-4879.
Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2015) German policing at the intersection: race, gender, migrant status and mental health. Race & Class 56 (3), pp. 36-49. ISSN 0306-3968.
Callard, Felicity and Fitzgerald, D. and Woods, A. (2015) Interdisciplinary collaboration in action: tracking the signal, tracing the noise. Nature Communications 1 , p. 15019. ISSN 2041-1723.
Callender, Claire and Little, B. (2015) The hidden benefits of part-time higher education study to working practices: is there a case for making them more visible? Journal of Education and Work 28 (3), pp. 250-272. ISSN 1363-9080.
Campbell, Rosie and Cowley, P. (2015) Attitudes to moonlighting politicians: evidence from the United Kingdom. Journal of Experimental Political Science 2 (1), pp. 63-72. ISSN 2052-2630.
Campbell, Rosie and Lovenduski, Joni (2015) What should MPs do? Public and parliamentarians' views compared. Parliamentary Affairs 68 (4), pp. 690-708. ISSN 0031-2290.
Dodds, C. and Weait, Matthew and Bourne, A. and Egede, S. (2015) Keeping confidence: HIV and the criminal law from service provider perspectives. Critical Public Health 25 (1), pp. 410-426. ISSN 0958-1596.
Duvendack, M. and Maclean, Kate (2015) (Mis)use of evidence in microfinance programming in the Global South: a critique. Contemporary Social Science 10 (2), pp. 202-211. ISSN 2158-2041.
Fitzgerald, D. and Callard, Felicity (2015) Social science and neuroscience beyond interdisciplinarity: experimental entanglements. Theory, Culture & Society 32 (1), pp. 3-32. ISSN 0263-2764.
Fraser, Jennifer (2015) ‘Con el ropaje de la novela’: Margarita Práxedes Muñoz’s La evolución de Paulina as an attempt to (re)negotiate literary forms and contest normative subjectivities. Journal of Romance Studies 15 (1), pp. 91-110. ISSN 1473-3536.
Fraser, Jennifer and Lamble, Sarah (2015) Queer desires and critical pedagogies in higher education: reflections on the transformative potential of non-normative learning desires in the classroom. Journal of Feminist Scholarship 7 , pp. 61-77. ISSN 2158-6179.
Gideon, Jasmine and Minte, G.A. and Leite, Marianna (2015) What is hindering progress? The marginalization of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in Brazil and Chile. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 31 (3), pp. 255-270. ISSN 2169-9763.
Hearn, J. and Hein, Wendy (2015) Reframing gender and feminist knowledge construction in marketing and consumer research: missing feminisms and the case of men and masculinities. Journal of Marketing Management 31 (15-16), pp. 1626-1651. ISSN 0267-257X.
Janes, Dominic (2015) The scene of the crime: police photographs, visual culture and sexuality. Legal Information Management 15 (01), pp. 15-18. ISSN 1472-6696.
Maclean, Kate (2015) Gender, risk and the Wall Street alpha male. Journal of Gender Studies 25 (4), pp. 427-444. ISSN 0958-9236.
Monk, Daniel (2015) ‘Queering Genealogy Through Wills’. Legal Information Management 15 (01), pp. 12-15. ISSN 1472-6696.
Moran, Leslie J. (2015) Judicial pictures as legal life-writing data and a research method. Journal of Law and Society 42 (1), pp. 74-101. ISSN 0263-323X.
Narayan, Yasmeen (2015) On biocoloniality and 'respectability' in contemporary London. Cultural Studies 29 (2), pp. 185-204. ISSN 0950-2386.
Robotham, D. and Riches, S.R. and Perdue, I. and Callard, Felicity and Craig, T. and Rose, D. and Wykes, T. (2015) Consenting for contact? Linking electronic health records to a research register within psychosis services, a mixed method study. BMC Health Services Research 15 (1), p. 199. ISSN 1472-6963.
Segal, Lynne (2015) Portraying ageing: its contradictions and paradoxes. Working with Older People 19 (1), pp. 3-11. ISSN 1366-3666.
Seu, Irene Bruna (2015) Appealing children: UK audiences' responses to the use of children in humanitarian communications. International Communication Gazette 77 (7), pp. 654-667. ISSN 1748-0485.
Seu, Irene Bruna (2015) A double-edge sword: the role of psychoanalysis in public responses to human rights violations - denial, justifications and passivity. Psychodynamic Practice 21 (1), pp. 5-18. ISSN 1475-3634.
Trindade, Luis (2015) Dividing the waters: the sea in Portuguese post-revolutionary popular music. Portuguese Journal of Social Science 14 (3), pp. 287-301. ISSN 1476-413X.
Viney, W. and Callard, Felicity and Woods, A. (2015) Critical medical humanities: embracing entanglement, taking risks. Medical Humanities 41 (1), pp. 2-7. ISSN 1468-215X.
Walsh, Fintan (2015) Cyberactivism and the emergence of #TeamPanti. Theatre Research International 40 (1), pp. 104-107. ISSN 0307-8833.
Walsh, Fintan (2015) World factory: the politics of conversation. Contemporary Theatre Review , ISSN 1048-6801.
Woods, A. and Jones, N. and Alderson-Day, B. and Callard, Felicity and Fernyhough, C. (2015) Experiences of hearing voices: analysis of a novel phenomenological survey. The Lancet Psychiatry 2 (4), pp. 323-331. ISSN 2215-0366.
Book Review
Walsh, Fintan (2015) Masculinity and Irish Popular Culture: Tiger’s Tales. [Book Review]
Book Section
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2015) Between memory and silence, between trauma and nostalgia, between family and nation: remembering the First World War. In: Dessingué, A. and Winter, J.M. (eds.) Beyond Memory: Silence and the Aesthetics of Remembrance. Routledge Approaches to History. Abindgon, UK: Routledge, pp. 143-162. ISBN 9781138826472.
Baraitser, Lisa (2015) Touching time: maintenance, endurance, care. In: Frosh, Stephen (ed.) Psychosocial Imaginaries: Perspectives on Temporality, Subjectivities and Activism. Studies In The Psychosocial. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 21-47. ISBN 9781137388179.
Barker, N. and Monk, Daniel (2015) From civil partnership to same-sex marriage: a decade in British legal history. In: Barker, N. and Monk, Daniel (eds.) From Civil Partnership to Same Sex Marriage: Interdisciplinary Reflections. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138855984.
Brady, Sean (2015) John Addington Symonds, Horatio Brown and Venice: friendship, gondoliers and homosexuality. In: Babini, V.P. and Beccalossi, C. and Riall, L. (eds.) Italian Sexualities Uncovered, 1789-1914. Genders and Sexualities in History. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 207-227. ISBN 9781137396976.
Callender, Claire (2015) The 2012/13 reforms of student finances and funding in England: the implications for the part-time undergraduate higher education sector. In: Brada, J.C. and Bienkowski, W. and Kuboniwa, M. (eds.) International Perspectives on Financing Higher Education. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 80-97. ISBN 9781137549136.
Fraser, Jennifer (2015) Novel translations of the scientific subject: Clorinda Matto de Turner, Margarita Práxedes Muñoz, and the gendered shaping of discourses of desire in Nineteenth-Century Peru. In: Bauer, Heike (ed.) Sexology and Translation: Cultural and Scientific Encounters Across the Modern World, 1880-1930. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 179-196. ISBN 9781439912485.
Hanafin, Patrick (2015) Survival's witness: poetry, sociality, community. In: Mulqueen, Tara and Matthews, D. (eds.) Being Social: Ontology, Law, Politics. London, UK: Counterpress Books. ISBN 9781910761007.
Hein, Wendy (2015) Defining the terrain for responsible management education: gender, gender equality and the case of marketing. In: Flynn, P.M. and Haynes, K. and Kilgour, M.A. (eds.) Integrating Gender Equality into Business and Management Education. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 98-121. ISBN 9781783532254.
Janes, Dominic (2015) Early Victorian moral anxiety and the queer legacy of the Eighteenth-Century Gothic revival. In: Willem Jones, T. and Matthews-Jones, L. (eds.) Material Religion in Modern Britain. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 125-143. ISBN 9781349566150.
Monk, Daniel (2015) Home education: a human right? In: Rothermel, P. (ed.) International Perspectives on Home Education: do we still need schools? 10.1057/9781137446855. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137446855.
Monk, Daniel (2015) Judging the act: civil partnership disputes in the courtroom and the media. In: Barker, N. and Monk, Daniel (eds.) From Civil Partnership to Same Sex Marriage: Interdisciplinary Reflections. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138855984.
Monk, Daniel (2015) Sexuality and children post-equality. In: Leckey, R. (ed.) After Legal Equality: Family, Sex, Kinship. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138644762.
Roseneil, Sasha and Twamley, K. (2015) Pushing at the boundaries of the discipline: politics, personal life and the psychosocial. In: Twamley, K. and Doidge, M. and Scott, A. (eds.) Sociologists' Tales: Contemporary Narratives on Sociological Thought and Practice. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN 9781447318668.
Segal, Lynne (2015) The circus of (male) ageing: Philp Roth and the perils of masculinity. In: Frosh, Stephen (ed.) Psychosocial Imaginaries: Perspectives on Temporality, Subjectivities and Activism. Studies In The Psychosocial. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 87-104. ISBN 9781137388179.
Seu, Irene Bruna (2015) Knowing and not knowing: implicatory denial and defence mechanisms in response to human rights abuses. In: Frosh, Stephen (ed.) Psychosocial Imaginaries: Perspectives on Temporality, Subjectivities and Activism. Studies In The Psychosocial. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 179-199. ISBN 9781137388179.
Trindade, Luis (2015) The utopian unconscious: literary utopias and the refashioning of political identities in 1920s Portugal. In: Bettencourt, F. (ed.) Utopia in Portugal, Brazil and Lusophone African Countries. Reconfiguring Identities in the Portuguese-Speaking World 4. London, UK: Peter Lang, pp. 233-250. ISBN 9783034318716.
Wells, Karen (2015) Violent lives and peaceful schools: NGO constructions of modern childhood and the role of the state. In: Parkes, J. (ed.) Gender Violence in Poverty Contexts: the Educational Challenge. Education, Poverty and International Development. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 168-182. ISBN 9780415712491.
Conference or Workshop Item
Segal, Lynne (2015) Feminism and the politics of pleasure: Lynne Segal on straight sex, second time around. In: Radical Thinkers: The Art, Sex and Politics of Feminism, 9 Feb 2015, London, UK.
Bale, Anthony (2015) The Book of Margery Kempe. Oxford World's Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199686643.
Bale, Anthony and Feldman, David (2015) Blood: reflections on what unites and divides us. London, UK: Bloomsbury Shire. ISBN 9781784421380.
Callard, Felicity and Fitzgerald, D. (2015) Rethinking interdisciplinarity across the social sciences and neurosciences. Palgrave Pivot. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781349681112.
Bale, Anthony and Feldman, David (2015) Blood. [Show/Exhibition]