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Asibong, Andrew (2003) "Mulier Sacra": Marie Chauvet, Marie Darrieussecq and the Sexual Metamorphoses of `Bare Life'. French Cultural Studies 14 (2), pp. 169-177. ISSN 0957-1558.
Leal, Joanne (2003) Berlin - still a divided city? ideological dualism in post-Wende fiction. German as a Foreign Language 2003 (1), pp. 30-44. ISSN 1470-9570.
Lewis, Ann (2003) Rereading the forbidden in 'La Nouvelle Héloïse'. In: Facques, B. and Roberts, H. and Roberts, H. (eds.) Reading and Writing the Forbidden: Essays in French Studies. Reading, UK: 2001 Group. ISBN 0954685404.
Wourm, Nathalie (2003) The smell of God: scent trails from Ficino to Baudelaire. In: Martin, B. and Ringham, F. (eds.) Sense and scent: an exploration of olfactory meaning. Dublin, Eire: Philomel Productions Ltd, pp. 81-98. ISBN 1 898685 45 2.