Browse by Research Centre

Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2013) Geister und dämonen. In: Brittnacher, H.-G. and May, M. (eds.) Phantastik: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Stuttgart, Germany: Metzler Verlag, pp. 376-384. ISBN 9783476023414.
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2013) Mediating memory in the museum: trauma, empathy, nostalgia. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230368866.
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2013) Remembering what happened at this site: in Flanders fields (Ypres) and the Militärhistorische Museum, Dresden. In: Inaugural Session of the Cultural Memory Seminar Series Spaces of Memory in Comparative Perspective: Performing Life in Former Sites of Suffering and Death, 2013, The Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London. (Unpublished)
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2013) Silence, memory and empathy in museums and at historic sites. In: Silence, Memory and Empathy, 2013, Buckfast Abbey, Devon, UK. (Unpublished)
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2013) Who owns the memory of Spitalfields, London? migration and prosthetic memory in 19 Princelet Street and 18 Folgate Street. In: Memory Agency, Mediality and Narrativity, 2013, Paris. (Unpublished)
Arnold-de Simine, Silke and Keitch, C. (2013) Interpreting the First World War through digital media. In: Challenging Memories: Silence and Empathy in Heritage Interpretation, 2013, Buckfast Abbey, Devon, UK. (Unpublished)
Asibong, Andrew (2013) Autour de la mère morte. In: Bengsch, D. and Ruhe, C. (eds.) Une femme puissante: l’œuvre de Marie NDiaye. Francopolyphonies 13. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Rodopi. ISBN 9789042037144.
Asibong, Andrew (2013) La mise en scène de la blancheur dans le cinéma Français. In: Laurent, S. and Leclère, T. (eds.) De quelle couleur sont les Blancs? Paris, France: La Découverte. ISBN 9782707178558.
Asibong, Andrew (2013) Marie NDiaye et le rire blanc. In: Houdart-Merot, V. (ed.) Rires en Francophonie. Cergy: Encrage. ISBN 9782360580460.
Asibong, Andrew (2013) Marie NDiaye, the half-self and the white “dead” mother. International Journal of Francophone Studies: The Postcolonial Human 15 (3/4), ISSN 1368-2679.
Asibong, Andrew (2013) Marie Ndiaye: blankness and recognition. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9781846319464.
Asibong, Andrew (2013) NDiaye’s intelligent subjects. L’Esprit Créateur: Marie NDiaye’s Worlds/Mondes de Marie NDiaye 53 (2), pp. 28-41.
Asibong, Andrew (2013) (Not) seeing things: Marie NDiaye, negative hallucination and “blank” métissage. In: Damlé, A. and Rye, G. (eds.) Women’s Writing in Twenty-First-century France. Chicago, U.S.: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780708325889.
Asibong, Andrew (2013) The spectacle of Marie NDiaye’s trois femmes puissantes. Australian Journal of French Studies 50 (3), pp. 385-398. ISSN 0004-9468.
Catani, Damian (2013) Book review: Bourdieu and literature by John R. W. Speller. French Studies 67 (4), pp. 579-580. ISSN 0016-1128.
Catani, Damian (2013) Evil: a history in modern French literature and thought. London, UK: Continuum Books. ISBN 9781441185563.
Catani, Damian (2013) The "Spleen" and "Ideal" of opium: Baudelaire and Thomas de Quincey. Dix-Neuf 17 (3), pp. 237-250. ISSN 1478-7318.
Havemann, Leo and Drew, Liz and Barros, Joana and Leal, Joanne (2013) Special blend: developing a model for technology-enhanced, flexible learning. In: Can We Do It? Yes We Can: HEA/SEEC Conference 2013, 22-23 Jul 2013, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Kawakami, Akane (2013) Flâneurs cosmopolites: écrire/voyager entre Paris et Tokyo. In: Paris-Tokyo-Paris: Responses to Japan in French Art, Culture and Theory since 1945, 2013, Maison Franco-Japonaise, Tokyo, Japan. (Unpublished)
Kawakami, Akane (2013) Keynote speech. In: Intimate Archives: Photography and Life-Writing, 2013, Wolfson College, University of Oxford. (Unpublished)
Kawakami, Akane (2013) Photobiography: photographic self-writing in Proust, Guibert, Ernaux, Macé. Oxford, UK: Legenda. ISBN 9781907975868.
Kawakami, Akane (2013) Proust and handwriting. In: Aubert, N. (ed.) Proust and the Visual. Studies in Visual Culture. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press, pp. 95-114. ISBN 9780708325483.
Wourm, Nathalie (2013) Pierre Alferi. The Literary Encyclopedia , ISSN 1747-678X.