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Asibong, Andrew (2018) Discussion of Green's "Melanie Klein and the Black Mammy: An Exploration of the Influence of the Mammy Stereotype on Klein's Maternal and its Contribution to the 'Whiteness' of Psychoanalysis". Studies in Gender and Sexuality 19 (3), pp. 183-187. ISSN 1524-0657.
Ildirar Kirbas, Sermin (2018) Revisiting the Kuleshov Effect with first-time viewers. Projections 12 (2), pp. 19-38. ISSN 1934-9688.
Marstand, Anders and Epitropaki, O. and Martin, R. (2018) Cross-lagged relations between perceived leader-employee value congruence and leader identification. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (2), pp. 411-420. ISSN 0963-1798.