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Candlin, Fiona (2003) Blindness, art and exclusion in museums and galleries. The International Journal of Art & Design 22 (1), pp. 100-110. ISSN 1476-8062.
Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Thomas, Michael S.C. (2003) What can developmental disorders tell us about the neurocomputational constraints that shape development? the case of Williams syndrome. Development and Psychopathology 15 (4), pp. 969-990. ISSN 0954-5794.
Kourouthanassis, P. and Roussos, George (2003) Developing consumer-friendly pervasive retail systems. IEEE Pervasive Computing 2 (2), pp. 32-39. ISSN 1536-1268.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2003) Computing the entropy of user navigation in the web. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 2 (3), pp. 459-476. ISSN 0219-6220.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2003) Why is the snowflake schema a good data warehouse design? Information Systems 28 (3), pp. 225-240. ISSN 0306-4379.
O'Neill, P. and Magoulas, George D. and Liu, X. (2003) Improved processing of microarray data using image reconstruction techniques. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience 2 (4), pp. 176-183. ISSN 1536-1241.
Pearl, F.M.G. and Bennett, C.F. and Bray, J.E. and Harrison, A.P. and Martin, Nigel and Shepherd, Adrian J. and Sillitoe, I. and Thornton, Janet M. and Orengo, C.A. (2003) The CATH database: an extended protein family resource for structural and functional genomics. Nucleic Acids Research 31 (1), pp. 452-455. ISSN 0305-1048.
Peterson, Don and Levene, Mark (2003) Trail records and navigational learning. London Review of Education 1 (3), pp. 207-216. ISSN 1474-8460.
Roussos, George (2003) Appliance design for pervasive computing. Pervasive Computing 2 (4), pp. 75-77. ISSN 1536-1268.
Roussos, George and Kourouthanassis, P. and Moussouri, T. (2003) Designing appliances for mobile commerce and retailtainment. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7 (3-4), pp. 203-209. ISSN 1617-4909.
Thomas, Michael S.C. (2003) Essay review: limits on plasticity. Journal of Cognition and Development 4 (1), pp. 99-125. ISSN 1524-8372.
Thomas, Michael S.C. (2003) Multiple causality in developmental disorders: methodological implications from computational modelling. Developmental Science 6 (5), pp. 537-556. ISSN 1363-755x.
Thomas, Michael S.C. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2003) Modelling language acquisition in atypical phenotypes. Psychological Review 110 (4), pp. 647-682. ISSN 0033-295x.
de Freitas, Sara and Levene, Mark (2003) Evaluating the development of wearable devices, personal data assistants and the use of other mobile devices in further and higher education institutions. JISC Technology and Standards Watch Report (TSW030), pp. 1-21.
Book Section
McBrien, P. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2003) Data integration by bi-directional schema transformation rules. In: Dayal, U. and Ramamritham, K. and Vijayaraman, T.M. (eds.) Proceedings 19th International Conference on Data Engineering (Cat. No.03CH37405). Piscataway, U.S.: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 227-238. ISBN 078037665X.