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Chen, Y. and Tian, Z. and Zhang, H. and Wang, J. and Zhang, Dell (2020) Strongly Constrained Discrete Hashing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29 , pp. 3596-3611. ISSN 1057-7149.
Cruz Coulson, N. and Sotiriadis, Stelios and Bessis, N. (2020) Adaptive microservice scaling for elastic applications. IEEE Internet of Things 7 (5), pp. 4195-4202. ISSN 2327-4662.
Kohli, Maitrei and Magoulas, George D. and Thomas, Michael (2020) Evolving Connectionist Models to capture population variability across language development: modelling children’s past tense formation. Artificial Life 26 (2), pp. 217-241. ISSN 1064-5462.
Liu, R. and Peng, H. and Chen, Y. and Zhang, Dell (2020) HyperNews: simultaneous news recommendation and active-time prediction via a double-task deep neural network. In: Bessiere, C. (ed.) Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence., pp. 3487-3493.
Piccardi, Elena Serena and Johnson, Mark H. and Gliga, Teodora (2020) Explaining individual differences in infant visual sensory seeking. Infancy 25 (5), pp. 677-698. ISSN 1525-0008.
Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Larsson, Nick and Candlin, Fiona and Larkin, Jamie and Ballatore, Andrea (2020) Creating a Knowledge Base to research the history of UK Museums through Rapid Application Development. ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage 12 (4), pp. 1-27. ISSN 1556-4673.
Tian, Z. and Zhang, H. and Chen, Y. and Zhang, Dell (2020) Unsupervised Hashing based on the Recovery of Subspace Structures. Pattern Recognition 103 , p. 107261. ISSN 0031-3203.