Browse by Staff

Gidley, Ben and Everett, S. and Druez, E. and Emmerich, Arndt and Peretz, D. and Shaw, Daniella (2024) Off and on stage interactions: Muslim-Jewish encounter in urban Europe. Ethnicities , ISSN 1468-7968.
Gidley, Ben (2024) Postcolonial hauntings in riverine London: conviviality and melancholia. Patterns of Prejudice , ISSN 0031-322X.
Gidley, Ben and Rybak, Jan (2023) Why the West's ‘Anti-war’ camp is so hostile to Ukrainians – and to Jews. Ha'aretz ,
Gidley, Ben (2021) 'At least the Nazis kept the lights on’: Brexit amnesia airbrushes out genocide in the Channel Islands. Byline Times , ISSN 2632-7910.
McGeever, Brendan and Gidley, Ben and Feldman, David (2020) Gauging antisemitism in Labour. RACE.ED ,
Feldman, David and Gidley, Ben and Mcgeever, Brendan (2020) The EHRC report shows how difficult building real anti-racist politics will be. The Guardian , ISSN 0261-3077.
Feldman, David and Gidley, Ben and Mcgeever, Brendan (2020) The Labour Party and antisemitism: a crisis misunderstood. The Political Quarterly Blog ,
Gidley, Ben and McGeever, Brendan Francis and Feldman, David (2020) Labour and Antisemitism: a crisis misunderstood. The Political Quarterly 91 (2), pp. 413-421. ISSN 0032-3179.
Berg, M.L. and Gidley, Ben and Krausova, A. (2019) Welfare micropublics and inequality: urban super-diversity in a time of austerity. Ethnic and Racial Studies 42 (15), pp. 2723-2742. ISSN 0141-9870.
Everett, S. and Gidley, Ben (2018) Getting away from the noise: Jewish-Muslim interactions & narratives in E1/Barbès. Francospheres 7 (2), pp. 173-195. ISSN 2046-3820.
Ahmed, N. and Gidley, Ben and Garnett, J. and Harris, A. and Keith, M. (2016) Shifting markers of identity in East London's diasporic religious spaces. Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (2), pp. 223-242. ISSN 0141-9870.
Gidley, Benjamin (2014) Towards a cosmopolitan account of Jewish socialism: class, identity and immigration in Edwardian London. Socialist History journal 45 , pp. 61-79. ISSN 0969-4331.
Gidley, Ben (2013) Landscapes of belonging, portraits of life: researching everyday multiculture in an inner city estate. Identities 20 (4), pp. 361-376. ISSN 1070-289X.
Gidley, Ben (2012) Cousin trouble: Jewish and Muslim ideas of the Other. Critical Muslim 02 , pp. 123-136. ISSN 2048-8475.
Gidley, Ben (2011) The politics of defining racism: the case of Anti-Semitism in the University and College Union. Dissent , ISSN 1946-0910.
Book Review
Gidley, Ben (2019) Researching the ordinary. [Book Review]
Gidley, Ben and Everett, S.S. (2022) Jews and Muslims in Europe: between discourse and experience. [Editorial/Introduction]
Book Section
Gidley, Ben (2022) Locality, spatiality and contingency In East London: an interview with Michael Keith. In: Everett, S. and Gidley, Ben (eds.) Jews and Muslims in Europe: Between Discourse and Experience. Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion 13 13. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 9789004514324. (In Press)
Gidley, Ben (2021) Understanding and resisting left-right convergence in the Internet age. In: Chamberlain, P. and Lyons, M.N. and Scher, A. and Sunshine, S. (eds.) Exposing the Right and Fighting for Democracy: Celebrating Chip Berlet as Journalist and Scholar. Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right. Routledge. ISBN 9780367681265. (In Press)
Gidley, Ben (2019) Failing better at convivially researching spaces of diversity. In: Berg, M.L. and Nowicka, M. (eds.) Studying Diversity, Migration and Urban Multiculture: Convivial Tools for Research and Practice. London, UK: UCL Press. ISBN 9781787354784.
Gidley, Benjamin and Scholten, P. and van Breugel, I. (2018) Mainstreaming in practice: the efficiencies and deficiencies of mainstreaming for street-level bureaucrats. In: Scholten, P. and van Breugel, I. (eds.) Mainstreaming Integration Governance: New Trends in Migrant Integration Policies in Europe. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 153-168. ISBN 9783319592763.
Gidley, Ben (2018) Spaces of informal learning and cultures of translation and marginality in London's Jewish East End. In: Nichols, S. and Dobson, S. (eds.) Learning Cities: Multimodal Explorations and Placed Pedagogies. Cultural Studies and Transdisciplinarity in Education 8. Singapore: Springer Singapore, pp. 169-182. ISBN 9789811080982.
Kalantaryan, S. and Gidley, Benjamin and Caputo, M.L. (2017) Residential integration: towards a sending country perspective. In: Weinar, A. and Unterreiner, A. and Fargues, P. (eds.) Migrant integration between homeland and host society. Volume 1, Where does the country of origin fit? Global Migration Issues 7. Springer, pp. 117-147. ISBN 9783319561769.
Renton, James and Gidley, Benjamin (2017) The shared story of Europe’s ideas of the Muslim and the Jew—a diachronic framework. In: Renton, James and Gidley, Benjamin (eds.) Antisemitism and Islamophobia in Europe: A Shared Story. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9781137413024.
Gidley, Benjamin and Meer, N. (2016) Communities and Identity: continuity and change. In: Meri, J. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Muslim-Jewish Relations. Routledge Handbooks in Religion. London, UK and New York, U.S.: Routledge, pp. 235-251. ISBN 9780415645164.
Jenson, O. and Gidley, Benjamin (2016) 'They’ve Got Their Wine Bars, We’ve Got Our Pubs’: Housing, diversity and community in two south London neighbourhoods. In: Pastore, F. and Ponzon, I. (eds.) Inter-group Relations and Migrant Integration in European Cities: Changing Neighbourhoods. IMISCOE Research Series. New York, U.S.: Springer, pp. 18-38. ISBN 9783319230962.
Ahmed, N. and Garnett, J. and Gidley, Benjamin and Harris, A. and Keith, M. (2015) Historicising diaspora spaces: performing faith, race, and place in London’s East End. In: Hausner, S.L. and Garnett, J. (eds.) Religion in Diaspora: Cultures of Citizenship. Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship. London, UK: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 55-79. ISBN 9781137400307.
Gidley, Ben (2015) Speaking of the Working Class. In: Anderson, B. and Hughes, V. (eds.) Citizenship and its Others. Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship. Palgrave, pp. 177-183. ISBN 9781137435088.
Gidley, Benjamin (2007) Sure start: an upstream approach to reducing health inequalities? In: Scriven, A. and Garman, S. (eds.) Public Health: Social context and action. Milton Keynes, UK: Open University Press. ISBN 9780335221509.
Gidley, Benjamin (2007) Youth culture and ethnicity: emerging youth multiculture in South London. In: Hodkinson, P. and Deicke, W. (eds.) Youth Cultures: Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes. Routledge Advances in Sociology. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415802406.
Gidley, Benjamin (2004) Historical and archival methods. In: Seale, C. (ed.) Researching Society and Culture. London, UK: Sage Publications. ISBN 9781849207997.
Feldman, David and Gidley, Ben and McGeever, Brendan (2025) Facing antisemitism: The struggle for safety and solidarity. Other. Runnymede Trust, London, UK.
Smith, J.D. and Torning, Lenita and Gidley, Ben and Sheldon, Ruth (2019) Hate crime, faith and belonging. Project Report. Faith & Belief Forum, London, UK.
Gidley, Benjamin (2015) Cohesion and belonging: review of the evidence. Project Report. COMPAS, Oxford, UK.
Gidley, Ben (2014) 50 days in the summer: Gaza, political protest and antisemitism in the UK – A sub-report for the All Party Parliamentary Inquiry Into Antisemitism. Project Report. Antisemitism Policy Trust, London, UK.
Everett, S.S. and Gidley, Ben, eds. (2022) Jews and Muslims in Europe: between discourse and experience. Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion 13. Brill. ISBN 9789004514324.
Renton, J. and Gidley, Benjamin, eds. (2017) Antisemitism and islamophobia in Europe: A shared story? London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137413024.
Gidley, Ben (2024) Even the rain feels better. Centre for Urban and Community Research, London, UK.
Gidley, Ben and Mang, D. and Randall, D. (2024) Por una izquierda democrática e internacionalista: Contribución a la renovación y transformación de la izquierda., Madrid, Spain.
Gidley, Ben and Mang, D. and Randall, D. (2024) Por uma esquerda consistentemente internacionalista e democrática: Uma contribuição para a renovação e transformação à esquerda. Instituto Humanitas Unisinos, University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Unisinos, São Leopoldo, Brazil.
Gidley, Ben and Mang, D. and Randall, D. (2023) For a consistently democratic and internationalist left: a contribution to left renewal and transformation. Left Renewal.