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Gray, Benjamin (2022) The invention of the social? Debating the scope of politics in the Greek polis from the later Classical to the early Roman period. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 77 (4), pp. 633-671. ISSN 0395-2649.
Gray, Benjamin (2020) Historical consciousness and political agency among ancient Greek refugees. Pallas - Revue d'etudes antiques 2020 (112), pp. 231-245. ISSN 2272-7639.
Gray, Benjamin (2018) A civic alternative to Stoicism: the ethics of Hellenistic honorary decrees. Classical Antiquity 37 (2), pp. 187-235. ISSN 0278-6656.
Gray, Benjamin (2018) Citizenship as barrier and opportunity for ancient Greek and modern refugees. Humanities 7 (3), ISSN 2076-0787.
Gray, Benjamin (2018) Freedom, ethical choice and the Hellenistic polis. History of European Ideas 44 (6), pp. 719-742. ISSN 0191-6599.
Gray, Benjamin (2017) Exile, refuge and the Greek polis: between justice and humanity. Journal of Refugee Studies 30 (2), pp. 190-219. ISSN 0951-6328.
Gray, Benjamin (2013) Justice or harmony? Reconciliation after stasis at Dikaia and the fourth-century BC polis. Revue des Etudes Anciennes 115 (2), pp. 369-401. ISSN 0035-2004.
Gray, Benjamin (2013) Scepticism about community: Polybius on Peloponnesian exiles, good faith (pistis) and the Achaian League. Historia 62 (3), pp. 323-360. ISSN 0018-2311.
Gray, Benjamin (2013) The polis becomes humane? Philanthropia as a cardinal civic virtue in later Hellenistic honorific epigraphy and historiography. Studi ellenistici 27 , pp. 137-162. ISSN 1828-5864.
Gray, Benjamin (2011) From exile of citizens to deportation of non-citizens: ancient Greece as a mirror to illuminate a modern transition. Citizenship Studies 15 (5), pp. 565-582. ISSN 1362-1025.
Book Section
Gray, Benjamin (2024) Struggles to define and counter-define unrest in the cities of the early Roman East. In: Eberle, L.P. and Lavan, M. (eds.) Unrest in the Roman Empire: A Discursive History. Frankfurt, Germany: Campus, pp. 75-102. ISBN 9783593519326.
Gray, Benjamin (2023) Le pain et le cirque : le pouvoir symbolique des bienfaits. In: Cournarie, P. and Montlahuc, P. (eds.) Comment Paul Veyne écrit l’histoire. Un roman vrai. Paris, France: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 103-136. ISBN 9782130855187.
Gray, Benjamin (2022) Civic and counter-civic cosmopolitanism: Diodorus, Strabo and the later Hellenistic polis. In: König, J. and Wiater, N. (eds.) Rethinking Late Hellenistic Literature in Dialogue. Greek Culture in the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 149-177. ISBN 9781009030878.
Gray, Benjamin (2021) Beyond the classical polis: expanding citizenship and connecting communities. In: Atack, C. and Cartledge, P. (eds.) A Cultural History of Democracy in Antiquity. The Cultural Histories Series. London, UK: Bloomsbury, pp. 197-217. ISBN 9781350042933.
Gray, Benjamin (2020) Seeking new classics in a crisis: modernity as ancient history in German thought. In: Goff, B. and Simpson, M. (eds.) Classicising Crisis: the Modern Age of Revolution and the Greco-Roman Repertoire (Routledge 2020). London, UK: Routledge, pp. 148-167. ISBN 9780815361770.
Gray, Benjamin (2020) Debating the benefits and problems of philanthropy in later Hellenistic Anatolia. In: Akyürek, E. and Roosevelt, C. and Tekin, O. (eds.) Philanthropy in Anatolia through the Ages. Istanbul/Antalya, Turkey: Koҫ University, pp. 3-12. ISBN 9786057685278.
Gray, Benjamin (2018) Approaching the Hellenistic polis through modern political theory: the public sphere, pluralism and prosperity. In: Canevaro, M. and Erskine, A. and Gray, Benjamin and Ober, J. (eds.) Ancient Greek History and Contemporary Social Science. Edinburgh Leventis Studies. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 66-97. ISBN 9781474421775.
Gray, Benjamin and Canevaro, M. (2018) Introduction. In: Gray, Benjamin and Canevaro, M. (eds.) The Hellenistic Reception of Classical Athenian Democracy and Political Thought. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9780198748472.
Gray, Benjamin (2018) A later Hellenistic debate about the value of Classical Athenian civic ideals? The evidence of epigraphy, historiography and philosophy. In: Canevaro, M. and Gray, Benjamin (eds.) The Hellenistic Reception of Classical Athenian Democracy and Political Thought. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 139-176. ISBN 9780198748472.
Gray, Benjamin (2017) Reconciliation in later Classical and post-Classical Greek cities: a question of peace and peacefulness? In: Moloney, E.P. and Williams, M.S. (eds.) Peace and Reconciliation in the Classical World. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 66-85. ISBN 9781315599823.
Gray, Benjamin (2016) Civil war and civic reconciliation in a small Greek polis: two acts of the same drama? In: Börm, H. and Matthaeis, M. and Wienand, J. (eds.) Civil War in Ancient Greece and Rome: Contexts of Disintegration and Reintegration. Heidelberger althistorische Beiträge und epigraphische Studien 58. London, UK: Franz Steiner, pp. 53-85. ISBN 9783515112246.
Gray, Benjamin (2012) Philosophy of education and the later Hellenistic polis. In: Martzavou, P. and Papazarkadas, N. (eds.) Epigraphical Approaches to the Post-classical Polis: Fourth Century BC to Second Century AD. Oxford University Press, pp. 233-253. ISBN 9780199652143.
Canevaro, M. and Erskine, A. and Gray, Benjamin and Ober, J., eds. (2018) Ancient Greek History and Contemporary Social Science. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781474421775.
Canevaro, M. and Gray, Benjamin, eds. (2018) The Hellenistic Reception of Classical Athenian Democracy and Political Thought. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198748472.
Gray, Benjamin (2015) Stasis and Stability: Exile, the Polis, and Political Thought, c. 404–146 BC. Oxford Classical Monographs. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198729778.
Gray, Benjamin (2018) Brill's New Jacoby no. 594: Dioscurides. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Gray, Benjamin (2016) Brill's New Jacoby no. 584: Persaios of Kition. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Gray, Benjamin (2015) Oxford Bibliographies Online entry: Polis. Oxford University Press, New York, U.S..