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Baudon, T. and Fuhs, Carsten and Gonnord, L. (2024) On Complexity Bounds and Confluence of Parallel Term Rewriting. Fundamenta Informaticae 192 (2), pp. 121-166. ISSN 0169-2968.
Frohn, F. and Fuhs, Carsten (2022) A calculus for modular loop acceleration and non-termination proofs. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 24 , pp. 691-715. ISSN 1433-2779.
Book Section
Milovančević, D. and Fuhs, Carsten and Bucev, M. and Kunčak, V. (2024) Proving termination via measure transfer in equivalence checking. In: Kosmatov, N. and Kovács, L. (eds.) Integrated Formal Methods. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15234. Springer, pp. 75-84. ISBN 9783031765537.
Baudon, T. and Fuhs, Carsten and Gonnord, L. (2022) Analysing Parallel Complexity of Term Rewriting. In: Villanueva, A. (ed.) Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 32nd International Symposium, LOPSTR 2022, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 21–23, 2022, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13474. Springer, pp. 3-23. ISBN 9783031167669.
Schneider-Kamp, P. and Fuhs, Carsten and Thiemann, R. and Giesl, J. and Annov, E. and Codish, M. and Middeldorp, A. and Zankl, H. (2007) Implementing RPO and POLO using SAT. In: Baader, F. and Cook, B. and Giesl, J. and Nieuwenhuis, R. (eds.) Deduction and Decision Procedures. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 07401. Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik.
Fuhs, Carsten and Giesl, J. and Middeldorp, A. and Schneider-Kamp, P. and Thiemann, R. and Zankl, H. (2007) SAT solving for termination analysis with polynomial interpretations. In: Marques-Silva, J. and Sakallah, K.A. (eds.) Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing: SAT 2007, 10th International Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4501. Springer, pp. 340-354. ISBN 9783540727873.