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Segal, Naomi (2017) The femme fatale: a literary and cultural version of femicide. Qualitative Sociology Review 13 (3), pp. 102-117. ISSN 1733-8077.
Segal, Naomi (2016) Running in circles: My Best Friend’s Wedding after 19 years. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 17 (3), pp. 237-240. ISSN 1524-0657.
Segal, Naomi (2014) Between skins: the body in psychoanalysis – contemporary developments. Psychodynamic Practice 20 (4), pp. 394-397. ISSN 1475-3634.
Segal, Naomi (2013) La peau d’André Gide. The Bulletin des Amis d’André Gide 177/8 , pp. 31-46.
Segal, Naomi (2012) The body in the library: adventures in realism. Romance Studies 30 (3-4), pp. 200-209. ISSN 0263-9904.
Segal, Naomi (2009) To love and be loved: Sartre, Anzieu and theories of the caress. Theory-Tinged Criticism: Essays in Memory of Malcolm Bowie 32 , pp. 226-239. ISSN 0264-8334.
Segal, Naomi (2009) Witnessing through the skin: the hysteric's body. Journal of Romance Studies 9 (3), pp. 73-85. ISSN 1473-3536.
Segal, Naomi (2008) Circuits of desire and loss: Marivaux and "My Best Friend’s Wedding". Journal of Romance Studies 8 (3), pp. 41-50. ISSN 1473-3536.
Segal, Naomi (2008) Circuits of desire and loss: Marivaux and My Best Friend’s Wedding. Journal of Romance Studies 8 (3), pp. 41-50. ISSN 1473-3536.
Segal, Naomi (2008) Standing on their shoulders. Journal of Romance Studies 8 (2), pp. 141-148. ISSN 1473-3536.
Book Section
Mulvey, Laura (2018) ‘She was the most beautiful creature I ever saw’: visualising replacement in Hitchcock’s Rebecca. In: Owen, Jean and Segal, Naomi (eds.) On Replacement. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 169-175. ISBN 9783319760100.
Segal, Naomi (2018) ‘That’s my son’: replacement, jealousy and sacrifice in Un Secret. In: Owen, Jean and Segal, Naomi (eds.) On Replacement. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 185-191. ISBN 9783319760100.
Segal, Naomi (2018) ‘An eye for an eye’ or ‘a mile to a mile’: versions of replacement. In: Owen, Jean and Segal, Naomi (eds.) On Replacement. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 15-24. ISBN 9783319760100.
Ashenden, Samantha (2018) Who is the 'real' mother? Replacement and the politics of surrogacy. In: Segal, Naomi and Owen, Jean (eds.) On Replacement: Cultural, Social and Psychological Representations. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 125-135. ISBN 9783319760100.
Asibong, Andrew (2018) Deadness, replacement and the divinely new: 45 Years. In: Owen, Jean and Segal, Naomi (eds.) On Replacement. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161-167. ISBN 9783319760100.
Segal, Naomi (2015) The fatal attraction of Madame Butterfly. In: Lee, H. and Segal, Naomi (eds.) Opera, Exoticism and Visual Culture. Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts 34. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang, pp. 223-242. ISBN 9783035306590.
Segal, Naomi (2014) Andre Gide, Nosferatu and the hydraulics of youth and age. In: Bacon, S. (ed.) Undead Memory: Vampires and Human Memory in Popular Culture. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang. ISBN 9783034309387.
Segal, Naomi (2014) Touching and not touching. In: Marcus, L. and Mukherjee, A. (eds.) A Concise Companion to Psychoanalysis, Literature, and Culture. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 410-424. ISBN 9781405188609.
Segal, Naomi (2012) Playing the strange statue: sound, silence and touch in Didier Anzieu and The Piano. In: Stahmer, A. and Kapoor, A. and Weiss, A. and Dolar, M. (eds.) Parole # 2: Phonetic Skin. Cologne, Germany: Salon Verlag, pp. 42-48. ISBN 9783897703759.
Segal, Naomi (2011) Friendship. In: Corris, M. and Joseph-Lester, J. and Kivland, S. (eds.) Transmission Annual: Hospitality. London, UK: Artwords, pp. 238-239. ISBN 9781906441241.
Segal, Naomi (2011) Jean-Paul Sartre and Didier Anzieu: consensuality. In: Boulé, J.-P. and O’Donohoe, B. (eds.) Jean-Paul Sartre: Mind and Body, Word and Deed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781443829496.
Kawakami, Akane (2011) When the unfamiliar becomes familiar...? Proust, planes and modernity. In: Segal, Naomi and Rye, G. (eds.) 'When familiar meanings dissolve...' Essays in French Studies in Memory of Malcolm Bowie. Romanticism and after in France / Le Romantisme et après en France 20. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang, pp. 163-178. ISBN 9783034301084.
Segal, Naomi (2010) Money. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. Literature Criticism from 1400-1800 Series 174. Kentucky, USA: Gale Cengage Learning, pp. 130-144. ISBN 9781414441344.
Segal, Naomi (2010) O dieses ist das tier, das es nicht gibt: rilke und die einhörner. In: Leeder, K. and Vilain, R. and Duino, N. (eds.) Nach Duino. Wallstein Verlag: Göttingen, Germany, pp. 123-139. ISBN 9783835304253.
Segal, Naomi (2009) Hands and worlds: the membrane of desire in Sartre, Anzieu, Jane Campion and Peter Weir. In: Vidal, F. and Siebers, J. (eds.) Träume Gegen Mauern. Mössingen-Talheim, Germany: Talheimer Verlag, pp. 267-280. ISBN 9783893761302.
Segal, Naomi (2008) Daughters, dogs and death: triangular desire in "Fatal Attraction", "The Piano" and "The Talented Mr Ripley". In: Cooper, I. and Knörer, E. and Malkmus, B. (eds.) Third Agents: Secret Protagonists of the Modern Imagination. Cambridge: Cambrdge Scholars Publishing, pp. 201-213. ISBN 9781847185914.
Lee, H. and Segal, Naomi (2015) Opera, exoticism and visual culture. Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts 34. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang. ISBN 9783035306590.
Kivland, S. and Segal, Naomi, eds. (2011) Vicissitudes: histories and destinies of psychoanalysis. London, UK: IGRS. ISBN 9780854572342.
Segal, Naomi and Rye, G., eds. (2011) When familiar meanings dissolve...: essays in French studies in memory of Malcolm Bowie. Romanticism and after in France 20. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang. ISBN 9783034301084.
Segal, Naomi (2009) Consensuality: Didier Anzieu, gender and the sense of touch. GENUS: Gender in Modern Culture 12. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Rodopi. ISBN 9789042025868.