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Dawney, L. and Huzar, Timothy J. (2019) Introduction: the legacies and limits of the body in pain. Body & Society 25 (3), pp. 3-21. ISSN 1357-034X.
Huzar, Timothy J. (2019) A politics of indifference: reading Cavarero, Rancière and Arendt. Paragraph 42 (2), pp. 205-222. ISSN 0264-8334.
Huzar, Timothy J. (2018) Destruction, narrative and the excess of uniqueness: reading Cavarero on violence and narration. Critical Horizons 19 (2), pp. 157-172. ISSN 1440-9917.
Huzar, Timothy J. (2017) Horrorism in the scene of torture: reading Scarry with Cavarero. Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies 2 (1), pp. 25-43. ISSN 2057-0341.
Cavarero, A. and Butler, J. and Honig, B. (2021) Toward a feminist ethics of nonviolence. Fordham University Press. ISBN 9780823290093.