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Topp, Leslie and Kosec, Miloš (2021) Infection and the politics of space: The Cordon Sanitaire. In: Jasper, A. (ed.) Social Distance. gta papers 5. Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zürich, gta. ISBN 9783856764159. (In Press)
Topp, Leslie (2018) Single rooms, seclusion and the non-restraint movement in Britain, 1838-1844. Social History of Medicine 31 (4), pp. 754-773. ISSN 0951-631X.
Topp, Leslie (2018) Modern architecture and Antisemitism in early Twentieth-Century Vienna. In: Shapira, E. (ed.) Design Dialogue: Jews, Culture and Viennese Modernism/Design Dialog: Juden, Kultur und Wiener Moderne. Vienna, Austria: Böhlau Verlag, pp. 329-343. ISBN 9783205206347.
Topp, Leslie (2018) Otto Wagner et la jeune génération. Inspiration, distanciation, critique. In: Nierhaus, A. and Orosz, E.-M. (eds.) Otto Wagner. Residenz Verlag, pp. 252-261. ISBN 9783701734474.
Topp, Leslie (2018) Otto Wagner und die junge generation: inspiration, Rückzug, Kritik. In: Nierhaus, A. and Orosz, E.-M. (eds.) Otto Wagner. Vienna, Austria: Residenz Verlag, pp. 118-125. ISBN 9783701734474.
Topp, Leslie (2017) Freedom and the cage: modern architecture and psychiatry in central Europe, 1890-1914. Buildings, Landscapes and Societies. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press. ISBN 9780271077109.
Topp, Leslie (2016) Isolation, privacy, control and privilege: psychiatric architecture and the single room. In: Schrank, S. and Ekici, D. (eds.) Healing Spaces, Modern Architecture and the Body. Ashgate Studies in Architecture. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781472470836.
Topp, Leslie (2012) The mad objects of Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: journeys, contexts and dislocations in the exhibition “Madness and Modernity”. In: Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (eds.) Journeys Into Madness:Mapping Mental Illness in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austrian and Habsburg Studies 14. Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books, pp. 10-26. ISBN 9780857454584.
Topp, Leslie (2012) Complexity and coherence. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 71 (1), pp. 8-41. ISSN 0037-9808.
Topp, Leslie and Wieber, S. (2009) Architecture, psychiatry, and Lebensreform at an agricultural colony of the insane - lower Austria, 1903. Central Europe 7 (2), pp. 125-149. ISSN 1479-0963.
Topp, Leslie (2009) International models, regional politics and the architecture of psychiatric institutions in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. In: Guggenheim, M. and Söderström, O. (eds.) Re-shaping Cities: How Global Mobility Transforms Architecture and Urban Form. Oxon, UK: Routledge, pp. 143-164. ISBN 9780415492911.
Topp, Leslie and Wieber, S. (2009) Architecture, psychiatry and the rural idyll: the agricultural colony at Kierling-Gugging. In: Gabriel, E. and Gamper, M. (eds.) Psychiatrische Institutionen in Österreich um 1900. Verlag haus der Ärzte, pp. 107-118. ISBN 9783902552341.
Topp, Leslie (2009) Erwin Pendl (studio), model of lower Austrian provincial institution for the cure and care of the mentally ill "Am Steinhof", c. 1907. In: Blackshaw, G. and Topp, Leslie (eds.) Madness and Modernity: Mental illness and the visual arts in Vienna 1900. Farnham, UK: Lund Humphries, pp. 100-109. ISBN 9781848220201.
Blackshaw, G. and Topp, Leslie (2009) Madness and Modernity: Mental illness and the visual arts in Vienna 1900. Farnham, UK: Lund Humphries. ISBN 9781848220201.
Topp, Leslie and Imrie, N. (2009) Modernity follows madness: Viennese architecture for mental illness and nervous disorders. In: Topp, Leslie and Blackshaw, G. (eds.) Madness and Modernity: Mental illness and the visual arts in Vienna 1900. Surrey, UK: Lund Humphries, pp. 76-99. ISBN 9781848220201.
Topp, Leslie and Blackshaw, G. (2009) Scrutinised bodies and lunatic utopias: mental illness, psychiatry and the visual arts in Vienna, 1898–1914. In: Topp, Leslie and Blackshaw, G. (eds.) Madness and Modernity: Mental illness and the visual arts in Vienna 1900. Surrey, UK: Lund Humphries, pp. 14-37. ISBN 9781848220201.
Moran, J. and Topp, Leslie and Andrews, Jonathan, eds. (2007) Madness, architecture and the built environment: psychiatric spaces in historical context. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415511629.
Topp, Leslie (2007) Psychiatric institutions, their architecture, and the politics of regional autonomy in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (4), 733 - 755. ISSN 0039-3681.
Topp, Leslie (2007) The modern mental hospital in late Nineteenth-Century Germany and Austria: psychiatric space and images of freedom and control. In: Moran, J. and Topp, Leslie and Andrews, J. (eds.) Madness, Architecture and the Built Environment. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 241-261. ISBN 9780415511629.
Topp, Leslie (2005) Otto Wagner and the Steinhof Psychiatric Hospital: architecture as misunderstanding. The Art Bulletin 87 (1), pp. 130-156. ISSN 0004-3079.
Topp, Leslie (2004) Architecture and truth in fin-de-siècle Vienna. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521822756.
Topp, Leslie (2003) Architecture and mental illness: the psychiatric hospitals in Trieste and Gorizia: issues and questions. Archivio trentino: Rivista di Studi sull'Eta Moderna e Contemporanea 2003 (2),
Topp, Leslie (2001) Josef Hoffmann. In: Price and Kort and Topp, Leslie (eds.) New Worlds: German and Austrian Art, 1890-1940. Yale University Press, pp. 572-582. ISBN 9781931794015.
Topp, Leslie (2001) Moments in the American reception of German and Austrian decorative arts. In: Price and Kort and Topp, Leslie (eds.) New Worlds: German and Austrian Art, 1890-1940. Yale University Press, pp. 480-486. ISBN 9781931794015.
Price, R. and Kort, P. and Topp, Leslie, eds. (2001) New worlds: German and Austrian art 1890-1940. Yale University Press. ISBN 9781931794015.
Topp, Leslie (1997) An architecture for modern nerves: Josef Hoffmann's Purkersdorf Sanatorium. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 56 (4), pp. 414-437. ISSN 0037-9808.