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    Number of items: 59.


    Arnold, John H. (2001) Inquisition and power: Catharism and the confessing subject in medieval Languedoc. The Middle Ages Series. Pennsylvania, USA: University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 978-0-8122-3618-7.


    Barone, Juliana (2001) Illustrations of figures by Nicolas Poussin and Stefano della Bella in Leonardo's Trattato. Gazette des Beaux-Arts 143 , pp. 1-14. ISSN 0016-5530.

    Bevir, M. and Trentmann, Frank (2001) Social justice and modern capitalism: British critiques, traditions, and practices. [Editorial/Introduction]

    Bohm-duchen, Monica (2001) The private life of a masterpiece. BBC Books. ISBN 9780563537670.

    Bourke, Joanna (2001) Modern Britain and Ireland. In: Cunliffe, B. and Bartlett, R. and Morrill, J. and Briggs, A. and Bourke, Joanna (eds.) The Penguin Atlas of British and Irish History: From Earliest Times to the Present Day. London, UK: Penguin, pp. 220-283. ISBN 9780140295184.

    Bourke, Joanna (2001) Psychology at war, 1914-1945. In: Bunn, G.C. and Lovie, A.D. and Richards, G.D. (eds.) Psychology in Britain: Historical Essays and Personal Reflections. London, UK: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 133-149. ISBN 9781854333322.

    Bourke, Joanna (2001) The Second World War: a people's history. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192802248.

    Bourke, Joanna (2001) War and the body. In: Blakemore, C. and Jennett, S. (eds.) The Oxford Companion to the Body. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 724-725. ISBN 9780198524038.

    Bourke, Joanna (2001) The best of all home rulers: the economic power of women in Ireland, 1880-1914. In: Urquhart, D. and Hayes, A. (eds.) Irish Women’s History Reader. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 203-208. ISBN 9780415199148.

    Bourke, Joanna (2001) The emotions in war: fear and the British and American military, 1914–45. Historical Research 74 (185), pp. 314-330. ISSN 0950-3471.

    Boyle, R. (2001) The correspondence of Robert Boyle, 1636–1691. The Pickering Masters 1-6. London, UK: Pickering & Chatto Publishers. ISBN 1851961259.

    Bracken, Susan (2001) 'Chyna' in England before 1614. Oriental Art XLVII (2),


    Caldwell, Dorigen (2001) Armando Maggi. Identità e impresa rinascimentale. Ravenna: Longo, 1998. [Book Review]

    Caldwell, Dorigen (2001) Studies in Sixteenth-Century Italian Imprese. Emblematica - An Interdisciplinary Journal for Emblem Studies 11 , pp. 1-257. ISSN 0885-968X.

    Candlin, Fiona (2001) Space, chastity and classicism at The British Museum. In: Jones, David J. and Normie, Gerald (eds.) 2001 - A Spatial Odyssey. Nottingham: Continuing Education Press, pp. 54-65. ISBN 185041095X.

    Candlin, Fiona (2001) A dual inheritance: the politics of educational reform and PhDs in art and design. The International Journal of Art & Design Education 20 (3), pp. 302-310. ISSN 1476-8062.

    Candlin, Fiona and O'Brien, Margaret (2001) Lifelong learning in museums: a critical appraisal. In: Jones, David J. and Normie, Gerald (eds.) 2001 - A Spatial Odyssey. Nottingham: Continuing Education Press, pp. 176-186. ISBN 185041095X.

    Connell, Sophia M. (2001) Toward an integrated approach to Aristotle as a biological philosopher. The Review of Metaphysics 55 (2), pp. 297-322. ISSN 0034-6632.

    Coombes, Annie E. (2001) Skin deep / bodies of evidence. The work of Berni Searle. In: Hassan, S. and Oguibe, O. (eds.) Authentic, ex-centric : Conceptualism in Contemporary African Art. Forum for African Arts : Prince Claus Fund Library, pp. 178-199. ISBN 9789076162065.

    Coombes, Annie E. (2001) The object of translation: notes on ‘Art’ and autonomy in a post-colonial context. In: Myers, F.R. (ed.) The Empire of Things: Regimes of Value and Material Culture. School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series. Sante Fe, U.S., Oxford, UK: SAR Press, James Currey, pp. 233-256. ISBN 0852559283.

    Cuomo, Serafina (2001) Ancient mathematics. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415164955.


    De Vivo, Filippo (2001) Dall'imposizione del silenzio alla “guerra delle scritture”: le pubblicazioni ufficiali durante l'interdetto del 1606-1607. Studi veneziani 41 , pp. 179-213.

    De Vivo, Filippo (2001) Le armi dell'ambasciatore: voci e manoscritti a parigi durante l'Interdetto di Venezia. In: Strappini, L. and Ragone, G. (eds.) I luoghi della produzione della cultura e dell'immaginario barocco in Italia. Napoli, Italy: Liguori, pp. 187-200.

    Dickenson, Donna (2001) Property and women’s alienation from their own reproductive labour. Bioethics 15 (3), pp. 205-217. ISSN 0269-9702.


    Edgington, Dorothy (2001) Indeterminacy de re. Philosophical Topics 28 (1), pp. 27-44. ISSN 0276-2080.


    Feldman, David (2001) Migration. In: Daunton, M. (ed.) The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, III, 1840-1950. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 185-206. ISBN 9780521417075.

    Frosh, Stephen (2001) Things that can't be said: psychoanalysis and the limits of language. International Journal of Critical Psychology 1 , pp. 28-46.


    Garnsey, Peter and Humfress, Caroline (2001) The evolution of the late antique world. Cambridge, UK: Orchard Academic. ISBN 9781903283004.

    Gemes, Ken (2001) Post-modernism's use and abuse of Nietzsche. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (2), pp. 337-360. ISSN 0031-8205.


    Hamilton, Marybeth (2001) The blues, the folk, and African-American history. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 11 , pp. 17-35. ISSN 0080-4401.

    Harding, Vanessa (2001) City, capital, and metropolis: the changing shape of seventeenth-century London. In: Merritt, J.F. (ed.) Imagining early modern London: perceptions and portrayals of the city from Stow to Strype, 1598 -1720. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 117-143. ISBN 0 521 773466.

    Harding, Vanessa (2001) Controlling a complex metropolis, 1650-1750: politics, parishes and powers. The London Journal 26 (1), pp. 29-37. ISSN 0305-8034.

    Henderson, John (2001) Healing the body and saving the soul: hospitals in renaissance Florence. Renaissance Studies 15 (2), pp. 188-216. ISSN 0269-1213.

    Henderson, John (2001) 'La schifezza, madre della corruzione'. Peste e società nella Firenze della prima età moderna: 1630-1631. Medicina & storia : rivista di storia della medicina e della sanità 2 , pp. 23-56. ISSN 1722-2206.

    Henderson, John (2001) Ospedali Fiorentini ed opere d’arte nel rinascimento: valore storico e ruolo sanitario-devozionale. Medicina nei Secoli 12 , pp. 273-295. ISSN 0394-9001.

    Hornsby, Jennifer (2001) Dealing with facts. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research , ISSN 0031-8205. (Submitted)

    Hornsby, Jennifer (2001) Meaning and uselessness: how to think about derogatory words. Midwest Studies in Philosophy 25 (1), pp. 128-141. ISSN 0363-6550.

    Hornsby, Jennifer (2001) Singular terms in contexts of propositional attitude. In: Follesdal, D. (ed.) Philosophy of Quine. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780815337379.

    Hornsby, Jennifer (2001) Truth: the identity theory. In: Lynch, M.P. (ed.) The Nature of Truth: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press, pp. 663-681. ISBN 9780262621458.

    Hunter, Michael (2001) Introduction. In: Hunter, Michael (ed.) The occult laboratory: magic, science and second sight in late 17th century Scotland. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press, pp. 1-49. ISBN 9780851158013.


    Innes, Matthew (2001) Keeping it in the family: women and aristocratic memory, 700-1200. In: van Houts, E. (ed.) Medieval Memories: Men, Women and the Past, 700-1300. Women and men in history. London, UK: Longman, pp. 17-35. ISBN 9780582369023.

    Innes, Matthew (2001) People, places and power in the Carolingian world. In: De Jong, M. and Theuws, F. (eds.) Topographies of Power in the Early Middle Ages. Transformation of the Roman World 6. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, pp. 397-437. ISBN 9789004117341.


    Lovell, Julia (2001) From satire to sensationalism: Chinese fiction in the 1990s. China Review Magazine 20 (Autumn), pp. 28-32.


    Moock, Christopher (2001) 'Murillo, Scenes of Childhood' by Brooke, X. and Cherry, P. [Book Review]

    Moock, Christopher (2001) 'A World of Our Own', by F. Borzello. [Book Review]

    Murawska-Muthesius, Kasia (2001) W służbie imperium rosyjskiego 1721-1917, by, Paszkiewicz, Piotr. [Book Review]

    Murawska-Muthesius, Kasia (2001) Wsluzbie Imperium Rosyjskiego 1721-1917. Funkcje i tresci ideowe rosyjskiej architektury sakralnej na zachodnich rubiezach cesarstwa i poza jego granicami. The Burlington Magazine 143 (1184), p. 708. ISSN 0007-6287.

    Murawska-Muthesius, Kasia (2001) Śmierć w kulturze dawnej Polski od średniowiecza do końca XVIII wieku: przeraźliwe echo trąby żałosnej do wieczności wzywającej, by, Mrozowski, Przemysław. [Book Review]


    Pick, Daniel (2001) Degeneration. In: Lock, S. and Last, J.M. and Dunea, G. (eds.) Oxford Companion to Medicine. Oxford Reference. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 214-217. ISBN 9780192629500.


    Ruben, David (2001) Social properties: facts and entities. In: Smelser, N.J. and Baltes, P.B. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. ISBN 9780080430768.


    Sengoopta, Chandak (2001) Transforming the testicle: science, medicine and masculinity, 1800-1950. Medicina nei Secoli 13 (3), pp. 637-655. ISSN 0394-9001.

    Sengoopta, Chandak (2001) A mob of incoherent symptoms?: neurasthenia in British medical discourse, 1860-1920. In: Gijswijt-Hofstra, Marijke and Porter, Roy (eds.) Cultures of neurasthenia: from Beard to the first world war. Clio Medica/The Wellcome Series in the History of Medicine 63. Amsterdam / New York, NY: Rodopi, pp. 97-115. ISBN 9789042009219.

    Swann, Julian (2001) Politics: Louis XV. In: Doyle, William (ed.) Old regime France 1648 -1788. The short Oxford history of France. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 195-222. ISBN 0-19-873129-9.

    Swann, Julian (2001) The state and political culture. In: Doyle, William (ed.) Old regime France 1648 -1788. The short Oxford history of France. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 139-168. ISBN 0-19-873129-9.


    Topp, Leslie (2001) Josef Hoffmann. In: Price and Kort and Topp, Leslie (eds.) New Worlds: German and Austrian Art, 1890-1940. Yale University Press, pp. 572-582. ISBN 9781931794015.

    Topp, Leslie (2001) Moments in the American reception of German and Austrian decorative arts. In: Price and Kort and Topp, Leslie (eds.) New Worlds: German and Austrian Art, 1890-1940. Yale University Press, pp. 480-486. ISBN 9781931794015.

    Trentmann, Frank (2001) Bread, milk and democracy: consumption and citizenship in twentieth-century Britain. In: Daunton, Martin and Hilton, Matthew (eds.) The politics of consumption: material culture and citizenship in Europe and America. Oxford: Berg Publishers, pp. 129-163. ISBN 9781859734667.


    Wachsmann, Nikolaus (2001) From indefinite confinement to extermination: "habitual criminals" in the Third Reich. In: Gellately, Robert and Stoltzfus, Nathan (eds.) Social outsiders in Nazi Germany. Princeton, N. J. & Woodstock, Oxfordshire, UK: Princeton University Press, pp. 165-191. ISBN 0 691 00748 9.

    White, Jerry (2001) London in the twentieth century: a city and its people. London, UK: Viking. ISBN 0670 8913 98.

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