Items where Subject is "Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Psychological Sciences"

Atroszko, P.A. and Kun, B. and Buźniak, A. and Czerwiński, S.K. and Schneider, Z. and Woropay-Hordziejewicz, N. and Bakker, A.B. and Balducci, C. and Demetrovics, Z. and Griffiths, M.D. and Innstrand, S.T. and Morkevičiūtė, M. and Pallesen, S. and Pontes, Halley M. and Sussman, S. and Charzyńska, E. (2025) Perceived coworkers' work addiction: scale development and associations with one's own workaholism, job stress, and job satisfaction in 85 cultures. Journal of Behavioral Addictions , ISSN 2063-5303.
Bazelmans, Tessel and Charman, T. and Johnson, Mark H. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2025) Distinct temporal stages of infant brain processing associate with early versus later autism diagnosis. N/A. (Unpublished)
Begum Ali, Jannath and Ward, Emma and Jones, Emily J.H. (2025) A concurrent validity study of the Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL) and the MacArthur‐Bates Communicative Developmental Inventory (CDI) in infants with an elevated likelihood or diagnosis of Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders , ISSN 0162-3257.
Blackburne, George and Frith, C. and Yon, Daniel (2025) Communicated priors tune the perception of control. Cognition 254 (105969), ISSN 0010-0277.
Cadete, Denise and Marino, V.P. and Ferre, Elisa Raffaella and Longo, Matthew (2025) Perceived hand size and perceived hand weight. Cognition 254 , ISSN 0010-0277.
Chalmers, R. and Longo, Matthew (2025) Tactile Distance Anisotropy on the tongue. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology , ISSN 1747-0218. (In Press)
Chard, James Henry (2025) Visual perception and cognition in healthy aging. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Charzyńska, E. and Buźniak, A. and Czerwiński, S.K. and Woropay-Hordziejewicz, N. and Schneider, Z. and Aavik, T. and Adamowic, M. and Adams, B.G. and Al-Mahjoob, S.M. and Almoshawah, S.A.S. and Arrowsmith, J. and Asatsa, S. and Austin, S. and Aziz, S. and Bakker, A.B. and Balducci, C. and Barros, E. and Bălțătescu, S. and Bdier, D. and Bhatia, N. and Bilic, S. and Boer, D. and Caspi, A. and Chaleeraktrakoon, T. and Chan, C.I.M. and Chien, C.-J. and Choi, H.-S. and Choubisa, R. and Clark, M. and Čekrlija, Đ. and Demetrovics, Z. and Dervishi, E. and de Zoysa, P. and del Carmen Domínguez Espinosa, A. and Dragova-Koleva, S. and Efstathiou, V. and Fernandez, M.E. and Fernet, C. and Gadelrab, H.F. and Gamsakhurdia, V. and Garðarsdóttir, R.B. and Garrido, L.E. and Gillet, N. and Gonçalves, S.P. and Griffiths, M.D. and Hakobyan, N.R. and Halim, F.W. and Hansenne, M. and Hasan, B.B. and Herttalampi, M. and Hlatywayo, C.K. and Hromatko, I. and Igou, E.R. and Iliško, D. and Isayeva, U. and Ismail, H.N. and Jensen, D.H. and Kakupa, P. and Kamble, S. and Kerriche, A. and Kubicek, B. and Kugbey, N. and Kun, B. and Lee, J.H. and Lisá, E. and Lisun, Y. and Lupano Perugini, M.L. and Marcatto, F. and Maslovarić, B. and Massoudi, K. and McFarlane, T.A. and Mgaiwa, S.J. and Moosavi Jahanabad, S.T. and Moreta-Herrera, R. and Nguyen, H.T.M. and Ohtsubo, Y. and Özsoy, T. and Øvergård, K.I. and Pallesen, S. and Parker, J. and Plohl, N. and Pontes, Halley and Potter, R. and Roe, A. and Samekin, A. and Schulmeyer, M.K. and Seisembekov, T.Z. and Serrano-Fernández, M.J. and Shahrour, G. and Matić, J.S. and Sobhie, R. and Spagnoli, P. and Story, J. and Sullman, M.J.M. and Sultanova, L. and Sun, R. and Suryani, A.O. and Sussman, S. and Teng-Calleja, M. and Torales, J. and Vera Cruz, G. and Wu, A.M.S. and Yang, X. and Zabrodska, K. and Ziedelis, A. and Atroszko, P.A. (2025) The International Work Addiction Scale (IWAS): a screening tool for clinical and organizational applications validated in 85 cultures from six continents. Journal of Behavioral Addictions , ISSN 2062-5871.
Chen, Y. and Tierney, Adam and Pfordresher, P. (2025) Speech-to-song transformation in perception and production. Cognition 254 , ISSN 0010-0277.
Dolgilevica, Karina and Grunfeld, Elizabeth and Derakshan, N. (2025) Heart rate variability biofeedback training can improve menopausal symptoms and psychological well-being in women with a diagnosis of primary breast cancer: a longitudinal randomized controlled trial. Current Oncology 32 (3), p. 150. ISSN 1718-7729.
Drisdelle, Brandi Lee and Zivony, Alon and Eimer, Martin (2025) Unpredictable singleton distractors in visual search can be subject to second-order suppression. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics , ISSN 1943-3921. (In Press)
Ewing, Louise and Althaus, Nadja and Farran, E.K. and Papasavva, Michael and Mares, Ines and Smith, Marie L. (2025) Exploring the development of face recognition across childhood via logistic mixed-effects modelling of the standardized Cambridge Face Memory Test. Behaviour Research Methods , ISSN 1554-3528. (In Press)
Farr, Joanna and Smith, Jonathan and Rhodes, John (2025) Disrupted relatedness and shifting perceptions of others: changing moods over time for people diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. The Qualitative Report 29 (11), pp. 2950-2963. ISSN 2160-3715.
Hendry, Alexandra and Bedford, Rachael and Agyapong, M. and Begum Ali, Jannath and Bazelmans, Tessel and Ersoy, M. and Goodwin, Amy and Mason, Luke and Narvekar, N. and Pasco, G. and Johnson, Mark H. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Charman, T. (2025) Simple executive function as an endophenotype of autism-ADHD, and differing associations between simple versus complex executive functions and Autism/ADHD traits. Scientific Reports 15 , ISSN 2045-2322.
Millbank, Harry and Walsh, Eamonn and Longo, Matthew (2025) Inversion produces opposite size illusions for faces and food. Perception , ISSN 0301-0066. (In Press)
Osgood, J. and Farr, Joanna (2025) Therapists’ experiences of working with terminal cancer patients: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. The Humanistic Psychologist , ISSN 0887-3267.
Palmer, Lucy and Sumanapala, Jagodage and Mareschal, Denis and Dumontheil, Iroise and The Unlocke Team (2025) Neural associations between inhibitory control and counterintuitive reasoning in science and maths in primary school children. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , ISSN 0898-929X. (In Press)
Papageorgopoulou, Eirini (2025) Parent-infant interaction dynamics and links to brain function in infants at an elevated likelihood for Autism Spectrum Disorder. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Papasavva, Michael and Ewing, Louise and Mares, Ines and Smith, Marie (2025) Breaking through suppression: face expertise selectively modulates very early awareness of high level face properties. Neuropsychologia , ISSN 0028-3932. (In Press)
Pontes, Halley (2025) Gaming Disorder among children and adolescents. In: Christakis, D.A. and Hale, L. (eds.) Handbook of Children and Screens. Springer, pp. 187-194. ISBN 9783031693618.
Shahzad, I. and Occelli, V. and Giraudet, E. and Azañón, E. and Longo, Matthew and Mouraux, A. and Collignon, O. (2025) How visual experience shapes body representation. Cognition 254 (105980), ISSN 0010-0277.
St. Clair, V.L. and Contini, L. and Re, R. and Pinti, P. and Mareschal, Denis (2025) Analytical pipeline optimization in developmental fNIRS hyperscanning: Neural coherence between preschoolers collaborating with their mothers. Imaging Neuroscience , ISSN 2837-6056. (In Press)
Teoh, Kevin and Mcdowall, Almuth and Kinman, Gail and Doyle, Nancy and Kwiatkowski, Richard and Kurz, Rainer (2025) Psychometric assessments in occupational health: what they are and how to use them. Technical Report. Society of Occupational Medicine, London, UK.