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Wells, Karen (2005) Annette Lareau Unequal Childhoods: class, race and family life. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. xii + 331 pp. [Book Review]
Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2005) Axel Buchwald, Der Fall Tadić vor dem Internationalen Jugoslawientribunal im Lichte der Entscheidung der Berufungskammer vom 2. Oktober 1995. [Book Review]
Turnbull, Sarah (2005) 'Dark Threats and White Knights: The Somalia Affair, Peacekeeping, and the New Imperialism' by S. Razack. [Book Review]
Michels, Eckard (2005) Egbert Klautke, Unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten. »Amerikanisierung« in Deutschland und Frankreich 1900–1933, Stuttgart (Steiner) 2003. [Book Review]
Petrić, Bojana (2005) 'Global Issues'. Ricardo Sampedro and Susan Hillyard. [Book Review]
Everson, Michelle (2005) Majone's Europe. [Book Review]
Mangion, Carmen M. (2005) Mary Sullivan (ed), The Correspondence of Catherine McAuley, 1818-1841. [Book Review]
Moock, Christopher (2005) 'Memling and the Art of Portraiture' by Borchert, Till Holger. [Book Review]
Murawska-Muthesius, Kasia (2005) Molvania: a land untouched by modern dentistry, by Cilauro, S., Gleisner, T. and Sitch, R. [Book Review]
Loizidou, Elena (2005) Romancing the tomes: popular culture, law and feminism. [Book Review]
Richards, Anna (2005) 'Sentiment und Sachlichkeit: Der Roman der Neuen Frau in der Weimarer Republik' by Kerstin Barndt. [Book Review]
Moock, Christopher (2005) 'Seventeenth Century Art and Architecture' by Ann Sutherland Harris. [Book Review]
Onof, Christian (2005) 'There's Something About Mary: Essays on Phenomenal Consciousness and Jackson's Knowledge Argument' Edited by Peter Ludlow, Yugin Nagasawa and Daniel Stoljar. [Book Review]
Mangion, Carmen M. (2005) 'The correspondence of Catherine McAuley, 1818-1841', by Mary Sullivan (ed). [Book Review]