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Loizidou, Elena (2024) Judith Butler and Politics. [Book Review]
Menis, Susy (2024) Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. Sarah Robinson, Alexandra Bristow, and Olivier Ratle. [Book Review]
Albert, M. and Crawford, Ian and Erman, E. and Kessler, O. and Bartelson, J. and Sienknecht, M. and Patomäki, H. (2024) Forum on Heikki Patomäki’s World Statehood: The Future of World Politics. [Book Review]
Franklin, Kate (2024) Tyers, Theresa L. and Patricia Skinner, eds. Gender and the 'Natural' Environment in the Middle Ages. Religion and Culture in the Middle Ages Series. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2023. 272 pages, £70 for hardback and epub. ISBN 978-1-83772-057-6. [Book Review]
Mangion, Carmen (2024) John Maiden, Age of the Spirit: Charismatic Renewal, the Anglo-World, and Global Christianity, 1945-1980 (2023). [Book Review]
Luckhurst, Roger (2024) Review of Max Samson, Boundaries and Belts that Define the World (2023). [Book Review]
Evans, Nick (2024) Review – Christopher Baumer, History of the Caucasus, vol. 2: In the Shadow of Great Powers (London, New York: I. B. Tauris, 2024). [Book Review]
Luckhurst, Roger (2024) Efram Sera-Shriar. Psychic Investigators: Anthropology, Modern Spiritualism, and Credible Witnessing in the Late Victorian Age. [Book Review]
Cronin, Joseph (2024) Virtual Holocaust Memory by Matthew Boswell and Antony Rowland (review). [Book Review]
Viscomi, Joseph (2024) 'The Greeks and the Making of Modern Egypt', Alexander Kitroeff. (Cairo: AUC Press, 2019) and 'The Greek Exodus from Egypt: Diaspora Politics and Emigration, 1937-1962', Angelos Dalachanis (New York: Berghahn, 2017). [Book Review]
Playfair, Rob (2024) Playing with social theory for EAP. [Book Review]
Cronin, Joseph (2024) The compromise of return: Viennese Jews after the Holocaust (review). [Book Review]