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    Armstrong, Isobel (2002) The microscope: meditations on the sub-visible world. In: Luckhurst, Roger and McDonagh, J. (eds.) Transactions and Encounters: Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 30-54. ISBN 9780719059117.

    Ames-Lewis, Francis (2002) Il ruolo della figura umana. In: dalli Regoli, G. and Ciardi, R. (eds.) Storia dell arte Toscana: il Quattrocento. Florence, Italy: Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze. ISBN 9788879701464.

    Ames-Lewis, Francis (2002) Masaccio's legacy. In: Cole Ahl, D. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Masaccio. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 202-216. ISBN 9780521660457.

    Ames-Lewis, Francis and Joannides, P. (2002) Neoplatonism and the visual arts at the time of Marsilio Ficino. In: Allen, Michael and Rees, V. (eds.) Marsilio Ficino: His Theology, his Philosophy, his Legacy. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 108. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publications. ISBN 9789047400547.

    Allen, Michael (2002) The impact of digital technologies on film aesthetics. In: Harries, D. (ed.) The New Media Book. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9780851709253.

    Allen, P. and Bennet, S.D. and Cunningham, M. and Carter, Andrew and Gallagher, K. and Lazzaretti, E. and Galewsky, J. and Densmore, A.L. and Phillips, W.E.A. and Naylor, D. and Hach, C.S. (2002) The post-Variscan thermal and denudational history of Ireland. In: Doray, T. (ed.) Exhumation of the North Atlantic Margin: Timing, Mechanisms and Implications for Petroleum Exploration. London, UK: The Geological Society, pp. 371-399. ISBN 9781862391122.

    Artale, A. and Franconi, E. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2002) A temporal description logic for reasoning over conceptual schemas and queries. In: Flesca, S. and Leone, N. and Ianni, G. (eds.) JELIA 2002: Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2424. Springer, pp. 98-110. ISBN 9783540441908.


    Brooks-Gordon, Belinda and Gelsthorpe, L.R. (2002) Hiring bodies: male clients and prostitution. In: Bainham, A. and Sclater, S.D. and Richards, M. (eds.) Body Lore and Laws: Essays on Law and the Human Body. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 193-210. ISBN 9781841131979.

    Burdett, Carolyn (2002) From the 'New Werther' to numbers and arguments: Karl Pearson's eugenics. In: Luckhurst, Roger and McDonagh, J. (eds.) Transactions and Encounters: Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 204-231. ISBN 9780719059117.

    Bowring, Bill (2002) Between a (Russian) rock and a (Crimean Tatar) hard place? ethnic, linguistic and minority issues. In: Lewis, A. (ed.) The EU and Ukraine: Neighbours, Friends, Partners? London, UK: ISBN 9781903403181.

    Bacon, Edwin (2002) Church and state in contemporary Russia: conflicting discourses. In: Fawn, R. and White, S. (eds.) Russia after Communism. London, UK: Frank Cass. ISBN 9780714682587.

    Balbiani, P. and Suzuki, N.-Y. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2002) Editorial preface. In: Balbiani, P. and Suzuki, N.-Y. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (eds.) Advances in Modal Logic. King's College Publications. ISBN 9780954300629.

    Balibrea, Mari Paz (2002) Escrituras de la globalización: espacio y tiempo en la obra reciente de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán. In: Tyras, G. and Claude, A. (eds.) Violence politique et ecriture de la elucidation dans le bassin méditerranéen. Grenoble, France: Presses de la Université Stendhal, pp. 207-220.

    Burdett, Carolyn (2002) From the new werther to numbers and arguments: Karl Pearson's eugenics. In: Luckhurst, Roger and McDonagh, J. (eds.) Transactions and Encounters: Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 204-231. ISBN 9780719059100.

    Braybrook, Jean (2002) La représentation de la femme chez Remy Belleau. In: Britnell, J. and Moss, A. (eds.) Female Saints and Sinners: Saintes Mondaines. Durham Modern Languages Series. Durham, UK: University of Durham, pp. 219-232. ISBN 9780907310495.

    Bielecki, M. and Hidders, Jan and Paredaens, J. and Tyszkiewicz, J. and Van den Bussche, J. (2002) Navigating with a browser. In: Widmayer, P. and Triguero Ruiz, F. and Morales Bueno, R. and Hennessy, M. and Eidenbenz, S.J. and Conejo, R. (eds.) Automata, Languages and Programming: 29th International Colloquium. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2380. Springer, pp. 764-775. ISBN 9783540438649.

    Bauer, S. and Hodkinson, I.M. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2002) On non-local propositional and local one-variable quantified CTL*. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) TIME-2002: 9th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 2-9. ISBN 978076951474X.

    Bracken, Susan (2002) Robert Cecil as art collector. In: Croft, P. (ed.) Patronage, Culture and Power: The Early Cecils 1558-1612. Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300091366.

    Braybrook, Jean (2002) Réflexions sur les amours de David et de bersabée, de Remy Belleau. In: Smith, P.M. and Peach, T. (eds.) Renaissance Reflections : Essays in Memory of C.A. Mayer. Paris, France: Honore Champion. ISBN 9782745305862.

    Bourke, Joanna (2002) Shell-shock, psychiatry and the Irish soldier during the First World War. In: Gregory, A. and Paseta, S. (eds.) Ireland and the Great War: “A War To Unite Us All?”. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 155-170. ISBN 9780719059254.

    Bowring, Bill (2002) The degradation of international law? In: Strawson, J. (ed.) Law After Ground Zero. London, UK: Glasshouse Press. ISBN 9781904385028.

    Braybrook, Jean (2002) The epic in Sixteenth-Century France. In: Sandy, G. (ed.) The Classical Heritage in France. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, pp. 351-391. ISBN 9789047400639.

    Bailey, J. and Poulovassilis, Alex and Wood, Peter (2002) An event-condition-action language for XML. In: Lassner, D. and De Roure, D. and Iyengar, A. (eds.) WWW 2002: Proceedings of the Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 486-495. ISBN 9781581134490.

    Bourke, Joanna (2002) The experience of killing. In: Liddle, P. and Bourne, J. and Whitehead, I. (eds.) The Great World War 1914-1945: Lightning Strikes Twice. Harper Collins Publishers, pp. 293-309. ISBN 9780007116171.


    Chater, N. and Oaksford, Mike (2002) The rational analysis of human cognition. In: Bermúdez, J.L. and Millar, A. (eds.) Reason and Nature: Essays in the Theory of Rationality. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 135-174. ISBN 9780199256839.

    Calì, Andrea and Calvanese, D. and De Giacomo, G. and Lenzerini, M. (2002) Accessing data integration systems through conceptual schema. In: Ciaccia, P. and Rabitti, F. and Soda, G. (eds.) SEBD: Decimo Convegno Nazionale su Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati. SEBD, pp. 161-168.

    Calì, Andrea and Calvanese, D. and De Giacomo, G. and Lenzerini, M. (2002) Data integration under integrity constraints. In: Pidduck, A.B. and Ozsu, M.T. and Mylopoulos, J. and Woo, C.C. (eds.) CAiSE 2002: Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2348. Springer, pp. 262-279. ISBN 9783540437383.

    Costantini, S. and Otero, R.P. and Provetti, Alessandro and Cao Son, T. (2002) Disjunctive logic programs with inheritance revisited. In: Otero, R.P. and Hacid, M.-S. and Ras, Z.W. and Zighed, D.A. and Kodratoff, Y. (eds.) Foundations of Intelligent Systems, 13th International Symposium: ISMIS 2002. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2366. Springer, 294-294--302. ISBN 9783540437857.

    Calì, Andrea and Calvanese, D. and De Giacomo, G. and Lenzerini, M. and Naggar, P. and Vernacotola, F. and Soda, G. (2002) IBIS: data integration at work. In: Ciaccia, P. and Rabitti, F. (eds.) SEBD: Decimo Convegno Nazionale su Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati. SEBD, pp. 291-298.

    Colas, Alejandro (2002) Materialismo histórico. In: Guerrero, D. (ed.) Manual de Economía Heterodoxa. Madrid, Spain: Sistema.

    Calì, Andrea and Calvanese, D. and De Giacomo, G. and Lenzerini, M. (2002) On the expressive power of data integration systems. In: Spaccapietra, S. and March, S.T. and Kambayashi, Y. (eds.) ER 2002: Conceptual Modeling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2503. Springer, pp. 338-350. ISBN 9783540442776.

    Calì, Andrea and Calvanese, D. (2002) Optimized querying of integrated data over the web. In: Rolland, C. and Brinkkemper, S. and Saeki, M. (eds.) Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context. IFIP Conference Proceedings 231. Kluwer, pp. 285-301.

    Clark, Sandra (2002) The broadside ballad and the woman's voice. In: Malcolmson, C. and Suzuki, M. (eds.) Debating gender in early modern England, 1500-1700. Early modern cultural studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 103-120. ISBN 0-312-29457-3.

    Colas, Alejandro (2002) The class politics of globalisation. In: Rupert, M. and Smith, H. (eds.) Historical Materialism and International Relations. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 191-210. ISBN 9780415263719.

    Calì, Andrea and Calvanese, D. and De Giacomo, G. and Lenzerini, M. (2002) A formal framework for reasoning on UML class diagrams. In: Hacid, M.S. and Raś, Z.W. and Zighed, D.A. and Kodratoff, Y. (eds.) ISMIS 200: Foundations of Intelligent Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2366. Springer, pp. 503-513. ISBN 9783540437857.

    Cuomo, Serafina (2002) The machine and the city: hero of Alexandria's Belopoecia. In: Tuplin, C.J. and Rihll, T.E. (eds.) Science and mathematics in ancient Greek culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198152484.

    Caldarelli, G. and Piccioni, M. and Sciubba, Emanuela (2002) A numerical study on the evolution of portfolio rules. In: Shu-Heng, C. (ed.) Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming in Computational Finance. Springer, pp. 379-395. ISBN 9781461508359.


    Davis, Isabel (2002) Consuming the body of the working man in the later Middle Ages. In: Mcavoy, L.H. and Walters, T. (eds.) Consuming Narratives: Gender and Monstrous Appetite in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales Press, pp. 42-53. ISBN 9780708317433.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2002) Individual differences in L2 fluency: the effect of neurobiological correlates. In: Cook, V. (ed.) Portraits of the L2 user. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 219-250. ISBN 9781853595837.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Housen, A. and Wei, Li (2002) Introduction and overview. In: Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Housen, A. and Wei, Li (eds.) Bilingualism: Beyond Basic Principles. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9781853596254.

    De Vivo, Filippo (2002) La publication comme enjeu polémique: le cas de Venise au XVIIe siècle’. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) De la publication. Entre Renaissance et Lumières. Paris, France: Fayard, pp. 161-175. ISBN 9782213613390.

    Dekeyser, S. and Hidders, Jan (2002) Path locks for XML document collaboration. In: Wang Ling, T. and Dayal, U. and Bertino, E. and Ng, W.K. and Goh, A. (eds.) 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering: WISE 2002. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 105-114. ISBN 9780769517668.

    Douzinas, Costas (2002) Postmodern just wars: Kosovo, Afghanistan, and the 'New World Order'. In: Strawson, J. (ed.) Law After Ground Zero. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781904385028.

    Davelaar, Eddy J. and Usher, Marius (2002) An activation-based theory of immediate item memory. In: Bullinaria, J.A. and Lowe, W. (eds.) Connectionist Models of Cognition and Perception: Proceedings of the 7th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop. Singapore: WorldScientific, pp. 118-130. ISBN 9789812380371.


    Everson, Michelle (2002) Strong evaluations, self-interpretation and constitutional patriotism. In: Eriksen, E.O. and Fossum, J.E. and Menéndez, A.J. (eds.) Constitution Making and Democratic Legitimacy. Oslo, Norway: ARENA: Advanced Research on the Europeanisation of the Nation, pp. 177-184.

    Everson, Michelle (2002) The socially embedded market polity and administrative proceduralism. In: Joerges, C. and Dehousse, R. (eds.) Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 231-252. ISBN 9780199246083.


    Fraser, Hilary (2002) The Victorian novel and religion. In: Brantlinger, P. and Thesing, W.B. (eds.) A Companion to the Victorian Novel. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture. Oxford, UK: Wiley, pp. 101-118. ISBN 9780631220640.

    Feldman, David (2002) Class. In: Burke, Peter (ed.) History and historians in the twentieth century. British Academy Centenary Monographs. Oxford, UK: OUP/British Academy, pp. 181-206. ISBN 9780197262689.

    Flowers, P. and Smith, Jonathan A. and Sheeran, P. and Beail, N. (2002) Health and romance: understanding unprotected sex in relationships among gay men. In: Marks, D. (ed.) The Health Psychology Reader. Sage Publications, pp. 218-234. ISBN 9780761972716.

    Frosh, Stephen (2002) Lacan. In: Elliott, A. and Ray, L. (eds.) Key Contemporary Social Theorists. Oxford, UK: Blackwell. ISBN 9780631219729.

    Frosh, Stephen (2002) Racism, racialised identities and the psychoanalytic other. In: Walkerdine, V. (ed.) Challenging Subjects: Critical Psychology for a New Millennium. London, UK: Palgrave. ISBN 9780333965092.

    French, R.M. and Mermillod, M. and Chauvin, A. and Quinn, P.C. and Mareschal, Denis (2002) The importance of starting blurry: simulating improved basic-level category learning in infants due to weak visual acuity. In: Wayne, D. and Gray, C. and Schunn, D. (eds.) Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. London, UK: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN 9781315782379.


    Grigoriadou, M. and Kornilakis, H. and Papanikolaou, K.A. and Magoulas, George (2002) Fuzzy inference for student diagnosis in adaptive educational hypermedia. In: Vlahavas, I.P. and Spyropoulos, C.D. (eds.) Methods and Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Second Hellenic Conference on AI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2308. Springer, pp. 191-202. ISBN 9783540434726.

    Gill, R. and De Meyts, P. and Pitts, James and Verma, C. and Wollmer, A. and Wood, S.P. (2002) Structure and function of human insulin-like growth factor-1. In: Gromiha, M. and Selvaraj, S. (eds.) Recent Research Developments in Protein Folding, Stability and Design. Trivandrum, India: Research Signpost, pp. 105-134. ISBN 9788177360707.


    Hodkinson, I.M. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2002) Decidable and undecidable fragments of first-order branching temporal logics. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) LICS 2002: 17th IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 393-402. ISBN 9780769514839.

    Harvey, Jessamy (2002) Good girls go to heaven: the Venerable Mari Carmen Gonzàlez-Valerio y Sàenz de Heredia (1930 - 1939). In: Labanyi, J. (ed.) Constructing identity in contemporary Spain: theoretical debates and cultural practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 113-127. ISBN 0 19 815993 5.

    Harding, Vanessa (2002) Maintaining London Bridge, c. 1380-1550: costs and resources. In: Calabi, D. and Conforti, C. (eds.) I Ponti: forma e costruzione dall'antico all'architettura del ferro. Milano: Documenti di architettura, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978884357428.

    Harding, Vanessa (2002) 'Meet and convenient for my estate and degree': funeral conventions and choices. In: Harding, Vanessa (ed.) The dead and the living in Paris and London, 1500-1670. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 176-207. ISBN 9780521811262.

    Hunter, Michael (2002) Scientific change: its setting and stimuli. In: Coward, B. (ed.) A Companion to Stuart Britain. Wiley, pp. 214-229. ISBN 9780631218746.


    Julios, Christina (2002) Towards a European language policy. In: Farrell, Mary and Fella, S. and Newman, M. (eds.) European Integration in the Twenty-First Century: Unity in Diversity? London, UK: Sage, pp. 184-201. ISBN 9780761972198.


    Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Thomas, Michael S.C. (2002) Developmental disorders. In: Arbib, M.A. (ed.) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (2nd Edition). Cambridge, U.S.: MIT Press, pp. 339-342. ISBN 9780262011976.

    Kutz, O. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2002) Connecting abstract description systems. In: Fensel, D. and Giunchiglia, F. and McGuinness, D.L. and Williams, M.-A. (eds.) KR-02: Proceedings of the Eights International Conference on Principles and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 215-226.

    Kelly, John (2002) Introduction. In: Kelly, John (ed.) Industrial Relations: critical perspectives on business and management. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 25-46. ISBN 9780415229869.

    Kapur, Sandeep and Athreye, S. (2002) Private foreign investment in India: pain or panacea? In: Athukorala, P.-C. (ed.) The Economic Development of South Asia. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781840646955.

    Kurucz, A. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2002) A note on relativised products of modal logics. In: Balbiani, P. and Suzuki, N.Y. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (eds.) Advances in Modal Logic 4: papers from the fourth conference on Advances in Modal logic. King's College Publications, pp. 221-242.


    Luckhurst, Roger (2002) Passages in the invention of the psyche: mind-reading in London 1881-4. In: Luckhurst, Roger and McDonagh, J. (eds.) Transactions and Encounters: Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 117-150. ISBN 9780719059117.

    Lewis, Gail (2002) Categories of exclusion: 'race', gender and the micro-social in social services departments. In: Breitenbach, E. and Brown, A. and Mackay, F. and Webb, J. (eds.) The Changing Politics of Gender Equality. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave, pp. 143-163. ISBN 9780230522572.

    Leslie, Esther (2002) Flaneurs in Paris and Berlin. In: Koshlar, R. (ed.) Histories of Leisure. London, UK: Berg Publishers, pp. 61-77. ISBN 9781859735251.

    Luckhurst, Roger (2002) Going postal: rage, science fiction and the ends of the American subject. In: Hollinger, V. and Gordon, J. (eds.) Edging into the Future: Science Fiction and Contemporary Cultural Transformation. Pennsylvania, USA: Pennsylvania University Press, pp. 142-156. ISBN 9780812236576.

    Leslie, Esther (2002) Murmurs of the future. In: Rosenberg, A. (ed.) Berliner Kindheit. New York, USA: Distributed Art Publishers. ISBN 9783882438123.

    Litt, Toby (2002) Notes on "Notes of a Son and Brother" (by Henry James). In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Notes of a Son and Brother. London, UK: Gibson Square Books, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781903933121.

    Leslie, Esther (2002) Philistines and vandals get upset. In: Beech, D. and Roberts, J. (eds.) The Philistine Controversy. London, UK: Verso Press. ISBN 9781859843741.

    Lorch, Marjorie and Barrière, I. (2002) Pitres’s two remarkable cases: Pure agraphia (1884) and Polyglot aphasia (1895). In: Fabbro, F. (ed.) Advances in the neurolinguistics of bilingualism: essays in honor of Michel Paradis. Udine, Italy: Forum Press, pp. 193-205. ISBN 8884200741.


    MacKenzie, D. and Hallam, B. and Baggott, Glenn K. and Potts, J. (2002) Focus Group. TRIADS experiences and developments. A panel discussion. In: Danson, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference. Loughborough, UK: Learning and Teaching Development, Loughborough University, pp. 205-210. ISBN 0 9539572 1 7.

    Mulvey, Laura (2002) Afterword. In: Tapper, R. (ed.) The New Iranian Cinema: Politics, Representation and Identity. London, UK: I.B Tauris. ISBN 9781860648045.

    McCabe, Janet and Akass, K. (2002) Beyond the bada bing!: negotiating female narrative authority in "The Sopranos". In: Lavery, D. (ed.) This Things of Ours: Investigating The Sopranos. New York, USA: Wallflower Press, pp. 146-161. ISBN 9780231127813.

    Mareschal, Denis (2002) Connectionist methods in infancy research. In: Fagen, J. and Hayne, H. (eds.) Progress in Infancy Research. CRC Press, pp. 71-119. ISBN 9780415651097.

    Macmillan, Fiona (2002) Copyright and corporate power. In: Towse, R. (ed.) Copyright and the Cultural Industries. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781843765417.

    Moore, S.C. and Oaksford, Mike (2002) Emotional cognition: an introduction. In: Moore, S.C. and Oaksford, Mike (eds.) Emotional Cognition. Advances in Consciousness Research 44. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9789027251688.

    Michels, Eckard (2002) From one crisis to another: the morale of the French Foreign Legion during the Algerian War. In: Alexander, M.S. and Evans, M. and Keiger, J. (eds.) The Algerian War and the French Army 1954-1962: Experiences, Images, Testimonies. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave, pp. 88-100. ISBN 9780333774564.

    Magoulas, George and Eldabi, T. and Paul, R.J. (2002) General methodology 3: global search strategies for simulation optimisation. In: Snowdon, J.L. and Charnes, J.M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 34th Winter Simulation Conference: Exploring New Frontiers. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, pp. 1978-1985. ISBN 0780376145.

    Murawska-Muthesius, Kasia (2002) How to look at a warmonger, how to see the self? imagining the west in Stalinist cartoons, 1946-1954. In: Grossman, E.M. (ed.) Studies in Language, Literature and Cultural Mythology in Poland: Investigating 'the Other'. Lampeter, Wales, UK: Edwin Mellen Press, pp. 227-258. ISBN 9780773470545.

    Moran, Leslie (2002) Lesbian and gay bodies of law. In: Richardson, D. and Seidman, V. (eds.) Handbook of Lesbian and Gay Studies. London, UK: Sage Publications. ISBN 9780761965114.

    Macmillan, Fiona (2002) Multinational enterprises, the World Trade Organisation and the protection of the environment. In: Macmillan, Fiona (ed.) International Corporate Law. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781841131580.

    Mabbett, Deborah and Bolderson, H. (2002) Non-discrimination, free movement and social citizenship in Europe: contrasting provisions for EU nationals and asylum seekers. In: Behrendt, C. (ed.) Social Security in the Global Village. International Social Security Series 8. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780765809308.

    Murawska-Muthesius, Kasia (2002) Paris from behind the Iron Curtain. In: Wilson, S. and de Chassey, E. (eds.) Paris: Capital of the Arts 1900-1968. London, UK: Royal Academy of Arts, pp. 250-261. ISBN 9780900946981.

    Mangion, Carmen M. (2002) “Places of Memory”: exploring religious archives. In: Gard, R. (ed.) Reflections on Catholic Archives. London, UK: Catholic Archives Society, pp. 50-57. ISBN 9780907712008.

    Moran, Leslie and Skeggs, B. and Tyrer, P. and Corteen, K. (2002) Safety talk, violence and laughter: methodological reflections on focus groups in violence research. In: Lee, R.M. and Stanko, E. A. (eds.) Researching Violence: Methodology and Measurement. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415301329.

    Moore, S.C. and Oaksford, Mike (2002) An informational value for mood: negative mood biases attention to global information in a probabilistic classification task. In: Moore, S.C. and Oaksford, Mike (eds.) Emotional Cognition. Advances in Consciousness Research 44. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing, pp. 221-243. ISBN 9789027251688.

    Moran, Leslie (2002) The poetics of safety: lesbians, gay men and home. In: Crawford, A. (ed.) Crime, Insecurity, Safety in the New Governance. Wilans Publishing. ISBN 9781903240489.

    Moran, Leslie (2002) The queen's peace: reflections on the spatial politics of sexuality in law. In: Holder, J. and Harrison, C. (eds.) Law and Geography. Current Legal Issues 5. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199260744.

    Mackay, Alan L. (2002) The shape of two-dimensional space. In: Hargittai, I. and Laurent, T. (eds.) Symmetry 2000 : proceedings from a symposium held at the Wenner-Gren Centre, Stockholm, in September 2000. Wenner-Gren International Series 80. London, UK: Portland Press, pp. 143-159. ISBN 1855781492.


    Oaksford, Mike and Chater, N. (2002) Commonsense reasoning, logic, and human rationality. In: Elio, R. (ed.) Common Sense, Reasoning, and Rationality. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 174-214. ISBN 9780195147667.


    Placencia, Maria Elena (2002) Desigualdad en el trato en directivas en la atención al público en La Paz. In: Placencia, Maria Elena and Bravo, D. (eds.) Actos de habla y cortesía en español. LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 05. Munich, Germany: Lincom, pp. 193-208. ISBN 9783895863370.

    Pick, Daniel (2002) Nevrosi di guerra. In: Bresciani Califano, Mimma (ed.) L'uomo e le macchine. Fondazione Carlo Marchi - Quaderni 15. Firenze, Italy: L. S. Olschki, pp. 195-215. ISBN 8822251059.

    Placencia, Maria Elena (2002) Panorámica sobre el estudio de los actos de habla y la cortesía lingüística. In: Placencia, Maria Elena and Bravo, D. (eds.) Actos de habla y cortesía en español. LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 05. Munich, Germany: Lincom, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9783895863370.

    Parejo Vadillo, Ana (2002) Phenomena in flux: the aesthetics and politics of travelling in modernity. In: Ardis, A. and Lewis, L. (eds.) Women's Experience of Modernity, 1875-1945. Baltimore, Maryland, USA: John Hopkins University Press. ISBN 9780801869358.

    Parejo Vadillo, Ana (2002) Poetics on the line: the effect of mass-transport in urban culture. In: Thomas, R. and Michie, H. (eds.) Nineteenth-Century Geographies The Transformation of Space from the Victorian Age to the American Century. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA: Rutgers University Press, pp. 237-250. ISBN 9780813531441.

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