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Belsley, D.A. and Kontoghiorghes, Erricos (2003) Editorial. [Editorial/Introduction]
Brown, Paul (2003) Generative computation and the arts. [Editorial/Introduction]
Baral, C. and Provetti, Alessandro and Son, T.C. (2003) Introduction to the special issue on programming with answer sets. [Editorial/Introduction]
Brooker, Joseph and Luckhurst, Roger (2003) Remembering the 1990s. [Editorial/Introduction]
De Vos, M. and Provetti, Alessandro (2003) Preface. [Editorial/Introduction]
Niland, J.C. and Afifi, A.A. and Kontoghiorghes, Erricos (2003) Special issue in honour of Stan Azen: a birthday celebration. [Editorial/Introduction]