Items where Year is 1986

Bat News
Westgarth-Smith, Angus (1986) Bats from Iceland. Bat News (8),
British Antarctic Survey Bulletin
Crawford, Ian and Girdler, R.W. and Renner, R.G.B. (1986) An aeromagnetic study of the Staccato Peaks area, Alexander Island, Antarctica. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin 70 , pp. 41-53. ISSN 0007-0262.
Weber, Alexander (1986) Johann Matthias Schneuber: der ich-erzähler in Günter Grass’ "Das Treffen in Telgte". Daphnis 15 (1), pp. 95-122. ISSN 0300-693X.
Education in Chemistry
Lang, Peter F. and Smith, Barry (1986) Ionization numbers of transition metals. Education in Chemistry 23 , pp. 50-54. ISSN 0013-1350.
Free Associations
Frosh, Stephen (1986) Beyond the analytic attitude: radical aims and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Free Associations 7 , pp. 38-58. ISSN 2047-0622.
History Workshop Journal
Pick, Daniel (1986) The faces of anarchy: Lombroso and the politics of criminal science in post-unification Italy. History Workshop Journal 21 (1), pp. 60-86. ISSN 1363-3554.
Journal of Software: Practice and Experience
Schach, S.R. and Wood, Peter (1986) An almost path-free very high-level interactive data manipulation language for a microcomputer-based database system. Journal of Software: Practice and Experience 16 (3), pp. 243-268. ISSN 1097-024X.
Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions
Lang, Peter F. and Flint, C.D. (1986) Luminescence spectra of the mixed complexes [TcClxBr6–x]2–. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 5 , pp. 921-923. ISSN 1472-7773.
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics
Lang, Peter F. and Flint, C.D. (1986) Infrared and visible luminescence spectra of TcCl 2–6 and TcBr 2–6 in cubic crystals. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics 82 (4), pp. 465-472. ISSN 0300-9238.
La Chouette
Braybrook, Jean (1986) Le cercle and le cygne in Ronsard's sonnets pour Helene. La Chouette 17 , pp. 14-31.
Hornsby, Jennifer (1986) A note on non-indicatives. Mind 95 (377), pp. 92-99. ISSN 0026-4423.
Barod, J.C. and Koff, E. and Lorch, Marjorie and Nicholas, M. (1986) The expression and perception of facial emotion in brain-damaged patients. Neuropsychologia 24 (2), pp. 169-180. ISSN 00283932.
New Zealand Population Review
Bourke, Joanna (1986) Poverty or piety: catholic fertility in Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand Population Review , pp. 18-31.
Nineteenth Century Fiction
Fraser, Hilary (1986) St. Theresa, St. Dorothea, and Miss Brooke in Middlemarch. Nineteenth Century Fiction 40 (4), pp. 400-411. ISSN 0029-0564.
Philosophical Quarterly
Hornsby, Jennifer (1986) 'Essays on Davidson: Actions and Events' by Vermazen, B. and Hintikka, M.B. [Book Review]
Philosophical Review
Hornsby, Jennifer (1986) 'Acting and Intending', by Myles Brand. [Book Review]
Political Quarterly
Wright, Tony (1986) The politics of constitutional reform. Political Quarterly 57 (4), pp. 414-425. ISSN 1467-923X.
Romance Quarterly
Braybrook, Jean (1986) Obliquity in Baïf's mythological poems. Romance Quarterly 33 (2), pp. 139-156. ISSN 0883-1157.
Studies in Church History
Henderson, John (1986) Confraternities and the church in late medieval Florence. Studies in Church History XXIV , pp. 69-83. ISSN 0424-2084.
The Historical Journal
Henderson, John (1986) Review article: society and religion in renaissance Florence. The Historical Journal 29 (1), pp. 213-225. ISSN 0018-246X.