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Number of items: 108.


Andreka, H. and Mikulas, Szabolcs (1994) Lambek calculus and its relational semantics: completeness and incompleteness. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3 (1), pp. 1-37. ISSN 0925-8531.

Aristodemou, Maria (1994) Choice and evasion in judicial recognition of governments: lessons from Somalia. European Journal of International Law 5 (1), pp. 532-555. ISSN 0938-5428.


Bacon, Edwin (1994) The gulag at war: Stalin's forced labour system in the light of the archives. Studies in Russian and East European History and Society. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781349142750.

Barone, Juliana (1994) Rafael no masp: a ressurreição de Cristo. Revista de História da Arte e da Arqueologia 1 , pp. 43-57. ISSN 1413-0874.

Benton, M.J. and Underwood, Charlie J. (1994) The age of the Dunquin Group (Late Silurian) of the Dingle Peninsula, SW Ireland. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences 13 , pp. 91-93. ISSN 0790-1763.

Bourke, Joanna (1994) Avoiding poverty: strategies for women in rural Ireland, 1880-1914. In: Wall, R. and Henderson, J. (eds.) Poor Women and Children in the European Past. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 292-311. ISBN 9780415077163.

Bourke, Joanna (1994) Housewifery in Britain, 1850-1914. Past and Present 143 (1), pp. 167-197. ISSN 0031-2746.

Bourke, Joanna (1994) I was always fond of my pillow: the handmade lace industry in the United Kingdom, 1870-1914. Rural History 5 (2), pp. 155-169. ISSN 0956-7933.

Bourke, Joanna (1994) Working class cultures in Britain, 1890-1960 gender, class and ethnicity. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415098984.

Bristow, Charlie S. (1994) A new look at the Lower Greensand using ground-penetrating radar. Geology Today 10 (1), pp. 24-27. ISSN 1365-2451.

Brooks, Susan and Richards, K.S. (1994) The significance of rainstorm variations to shallow translational hillslope failure. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 19 (1), pp. 85-94. ISSN 0197-9337.

Brooks, Susan and Richards, K.S. and Nussbaum, R. (1994) Simulator experiments of the varied consequences of rain forest logging for runoff and erosion. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 76 (3), pp. 143-152. ISSN 0435-3676.

Brooks, Susan and Richards, K.S. and Spencer, T. (1994) Tropical rain forest logging: modelling slope processes and soil erosion in Sabah, East Malaysia. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geomorphology 14 (1), pp. 15-27. ISSN 1467-9493.

Burck, C. and Frosh, Stephen (1994) Research process and gendered reflexivity. Human Systems: The Journal of Therapy, Consultation and Training 5 (1-2), pp. 109-122. ISSN 0960-9830.


Chittaro, L. and Montanari, A. and Provetti, Alessandro (1994) Skeptical and credulous event calculi for supporting modal queries. In: Cohn, A.G. (ed.) Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Wiley, pp. 361-365.

Christie, Ian (1994) Arrows of Desire: the films of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. London, UK: Faber and Faber. ISBN 9780571162710.

Clark, Sandra (1994) The plays of Beaumont and Fletcher: sexual themes and dramatic representation. Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Colas, Alejandro (1994) Putting cosmopolitanism into practice: the case of socialist internationalism. Millennium: Journal of International Studie 23 (3), pp. 513-534. ISSN 0305-8298.

Coombes, Annie E. (1994) Blinded by science: Ethnography at the British Museum. In: Pointon, M. (ed.) Art apart : Art Institutions and Ideology Across England and North America. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 102-119. ISBN 9780719039188.

Coombes, Annie E. (1994) Reinventing Africa: museums, material culture and popular imagination in Late Victorian and Edwardian England. London, UK: Yale University Press. ISBN 0300059728.

Crawford, Ian (1994) An ultra-high-resolution search for interstellar Ca+ towards Alpha Centauri A. Observatory -Didcot- 114 , pp. 288-293. ISSN 0029-7704.

Crawford, Ian and Barlow, M.J. and Diego, F. and Spyromilio, J. (1994) First results from the UHRF: ultra-high-resolution observations of interstellar CH, CH+ and CN towards ζ Ophiuchi. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 266 (4), pp. 903-909. ISSN 0035-8711.

Crawford, Ian and Spyromilio, J. and Barlow, M.J. and Diego, F. and Lagrange, A.M. (1994) Ultra-high-resolution observations of Ca K line variations in the β Pictoris disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 266 (1), L65-L68. ISSN 0035-8711.

Crinson, Mark and Lubbock, J. (1994) Architecture - art or profession? Three hundred years of architectural education in Britain. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719041723.

Csibra, Gergely and Czigler, I. and Ambro, A. (1994) Effects of stimulus alternation, repetition and response requirements on event-related potentials to patterned visual stimuli. Biological Psychology 37 (2), pp. 115-132. ISSN 0301-0511.

Czigler, I. and Csibra, Gergely and Ambro, A. (1994) Event-related potentials and aging: identification of deviant visual-stimuli. Journal of Psychophysiology 8 (3), pp. 193-210. ISSN 0269-8803.


Dewaele, Jean-Marc (1994) Extraversion et interlangue. In: Pochard, J. (ed.) Profils d'apprenants. Saint Etienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, pp. 173-187. ISBN 9782862720674.

Dewaele, Jean-Marc (1994) Variation synchronique dans l'interlangue française - Résumé de thèse. Travaux de Linguistique: Revue internationale de linguistique française 28 , pp. 209-210. ISSN 0082-6049.

Dewaele, Jean-Marc (1994) Variation synchronique des taux d'exactitude: analyse de fréquence des erreurs morpholexicales dans trois styles d'interlangue française. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL) 32 (4), pp. 277-300. ISSN 0019-042X.

Dewaele, Jean-Marc (1994) Évaluation du texte interprété: sur quoi se basent les interlocuteurs natifs? Journal des Traducteurs 39 (1), pp. 78-86. ISSN 0026-0452.


Edwards, Catharine (1994) Beware of imitations: acting and the subversion of imperial identity. In: Elsner, J. and Masters, J. (eds.) Reflections of Nero: culture, history & representation. Duckworth, pp. 83-97. ISBN 9780807821435.

Eimer, Martin (1994) An ERP study on visual-spatial priming with peripheral onsets. Psychophysiology 31 (2), pp. 154-163. ISSN 0048-5772.

Eimer, Martin (1994) "Sensory gating" as a mechanism for visuospatial orienting: electrophysiological evidence from trial-by-trial cuing experiments. Perception & Psychophysics 55 (6), pp. 667-675. ISSN 0031-5117.

Everson, Michelle (1994) The instrumentalisation of competition policy: the case of the model insurance policy. In: Seehafer, W. (ed.) Jahrbuch Junger Zivilrechtswissenschaftler 1993. Richard Boorberg Verlag, pp. 157-170. ISBN 9783415019249.


Feldman, David (1994) Englishmen and Jews: social relations and political culture, 1840-1914. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300055016.

Fraser, Hilary (1994) "Love's Citadel Unmann'd": Victorian women's love poetry. In: Fraser, Hilary and White, R.S. (eds.) Constructing Gender: Feminism in Literary Studies. Nedlands, Australia: University of Western Australia Press, pp. 132-156. ISBN 9781875560349.

Frosh, Stephen (1994) Sexual difference: masculinity and psychoanalysis. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415068444.

Frosh, Stephen (1994) Unpacking masculinity: from rationality to fragmentation. In: Burck, C. and Speed, B. (eds.) Gender, Power and Relationships. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415106375.


Geman, Hélyette and Albizzati, M.O. (1994) Interest rate risk management and valuation of the surrender option in life insurance policies. Journal of Risk and Insurance 61 (4), pp. 616-637. ISSN 0022-4367.

Geman, Hélyette and El Karoui, N. (1994) A probabilistic approach to the valuation of general floating-rate notes with an application to interest rate swaps. Advances in Futures and Options Research 7 ,

Gemes, Ken (1994) Explanation, unification, and content. Nous 28 , pp. 225-240. ISSN 0029-4624.

Gergely, G. and Csibra, Gergely (1994) On the ascription of intentional content. Current Psychology of Cognition 13 (5), pp. 584-589. ISSN 0249-9185.

Githens, M. and Lovenduski, Joni and Norris, P. (1994) Different roles, different voices: women and politics in the United States and Europe. Longman. ISBN 9780065013061.

Golombok, S. and Tasker, Fiona (1994) Artificial insemination of single women and lesbian women with donor semen: donor insemination for single heterosexual and lesbian women: issues concerning the welfare of the child. Human Reproduction 9 (11), pp. 1972-1976. ISSN 0268-1161.

Golombok, S. and Tasker, Fiona (1994) Children in lesbian and gay families: theories and evidence. Annual Review of Sex Research 5 (1), pp. 73-100. ISSN 1053-2528.

Green, Viviane (1994) J.-B. Pontalis (translated by James Greene with Marie-Christine Reguis) Love of Beginnings, London: Free Association Books. [Book Review]

Green, Viviane (1994) The Therapeutic Treatment of a Five Year Old Boy with Experience of Early Loss. Bulletin of the Anna Freud Centre 17 (4), pp. 271-290. ISSN 2472-6982.

Griffin, G. and Roseneil, Sasha and Hester, M. and Rai, S. (1994) Stirring it: challenges for Feminism. In: Griffin, G. and Roseneil, Sasha and Hester, M. and Rai, S. (eds.) Stirring it: Challenges for Feminism. Feminist perspectives on the past and present. London, UK: Taylor & Francis, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9780748402137.


Henderson, John (1994) Piety and charity in late Medieval Florence. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press. ISBN 9780198202714.

Henderson, John (1994) Women, children and poverty in Florence at the time of the black death. In: Henderson, John and Wall, R. (eds.) Poor Women and Children in the European Past. Abingdon, UK: Psychology Press, pp. 160-179. ISBN 9780415077163.

Hornsby, Jennifer (1994) Action and aberration. University of Pennsylvania Law Review 142 , pp. 1719-1747. ISSN 0041-9907.

Hornsby, Jennifer (1994) 'Will and World: A Study in Metaphysics', by N.M.L. Nathan. [Book Review]

Houston, Diane (1994) Gloomy but smart - the academic consequences of attributional style. British Journal of Social Psychology 33 (4), pp. 433-441. ISSN 0144-6665.

Hunter, Michael (1994) The Royal Society and its fellows 1660-1700: the morphology of an early scientific institution. London, UK: British Society for the History of Science. ISBN 9780906450093.


Jang, Y.P. and Johnson, Roger (1994) Evolutions of object states in temporal object-oriented databases. In: Werth, J. and Werth, L.H. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM 22rd Annual Computer Science Conference on Scaling up: Meeting the Challenge of Complexity in Real-World Computing Applications. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 304-311.

Joerges, C. and Wilkens, P. and Everson, Michelle (1994) Translation (German to English) - History as Non-History: Divergence and Time-Lag between Friedrich Kessler and German Jurisprudence. Oxford Academic.


Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1994) The nested universal relation data model. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 49 (3), pp. 683-717. ISSN 0022-0000.

Lewis, Gail and Crowley, H. and Druce, N. and MacIntosh, M. and Whitehead, A. (1994) Editorial: the new politics of sex and the state. [Editorial/Introduction]

Luckhurst, Roger (1994) Petition, repetition and 'Autobiography': J. G. Ballard's Empire of the Sun and The Kindness of Women. Contemporary Literature 35 (4), pp. 688-707. ISSN 0010-7484.

Luckhurst, Roger (1994) The many deaths of science fiction: a polemic. Science Fiction Studies 21 (1), pp. 35-50. ISSN 0091-7729.


Mann, K. and Roseneil, Sasha (1994) "Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em": backlash and the gender politics of the underclass debate. Journal of Gender Studies 3 (3), pp. 317-331. ISSN 0958-9236.

Matthews, S.J. and Jones, A.P. and Beard, Andrew (1994) Buffering of oxygen fugacity by sulphur redox reactions in calcalkaline magmas. Journal of the Geological Society 151 (5), pp. 815-823. ISSN 0016-7649.

Michels, Eckard (1994) Sprachvermittlung als kulturpolitisches Instrument der NS-Besatzungspolitik: Deutsche Lektoren im besetzten Frankreich 1940-1944. Lendemains 75/76 , pp. 125-134. ISSN 0170-3803.

Milner, Andrew (1994) Amphibian-grade tetrapoda. In: Benton, M.J. (ed.) Fossil Record. Springer, pp. 663-677. ISBN 9780412393808.


Norris, P. and Lovenduski, Joni (1994) Political recruitment: gender race and class in the British Parliament. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780511598609.


Oaksford, Mike (1994) Computational levels again. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (01), pp. 76-77. ISSN 0140-525X.

Oaksford, Mike and Brown, G.D.A. (1994) An introduction to neurodynamics and psychology. In: Oaksford, Mike and Brown, G.D.A. (eds.) Neurodynamics and Psychology. London, UK: Academic Press, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9780125235150.

Oaksford, Mike and Chater, N. (1994) Another look at eliminative and enumerative behaviour in a conceptual task. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 6 (2), pp. 149-169. ISSN 0954-1446.

Oaksford, Mike and Chater, N. (1994) The probabilistic retreat from biases: implications for man-machine communication. In: Brouwer-Janse, M.D. and Harrington, T.L. (eds.) Human-Machine Communication for Educational Systems Design. Nato ASI Subseries F 129. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 47-60. ISBN 9783642851063.

Oaksford, Mike and Chater, N. (1994) A rational analysis of the selection task as optimal data selection. Psychological Review 101 (4), pp. 608-631. ISSN 0033-295X.

Oaksford, Mike and Malloch, M.I. (1994) Dynamic schemata: evidence from cognitive neuropsychology. In: Oaksford, Mike and Brown, G.D.A. (eds.) Neurodynamics and Psychology. London, UK: Academic Press, pp. 83-106. ISBN 9780125235150.


Papantonakis, A. and King, Peter J.H. (1994) Gql, a declarative graphical query language based on the functional data model. In: Costabile, M.F. and Catarci, T. and Levialdi, S. and Santucci, G. (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces: AVI 1994. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 113-122. ISBN 9780897917339.

Pick, Daniel (1994) Pro patria: blocking the tunnel. Ecumene: A Geographical Journal of Environment, Culture and Meaning 1 , pp. 77-93.

Pineda, J.A. and Forrester, Gillian and Nava, C. (1994) Face recognition as a function of social attention in non-human primates: an ERP study. Cognitive Brain Research 2 (1), pp. 1-12. ISSN 0926-6410.

Poulovassilis, Alex and Levene, Mark (1994) A nested-graph model for the representation and manipulation of complex objects. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 12 (1), pp. 35-68. ISSN 1046-8188.

Provetti, Alessandro (1994) Hypothetical reasoning from situation calculus to event calculus. In: Goodwin, S.D. and Hamilton, H.J. (eds.) Proceedings of the TIME-94 International Workshop on Temporal Reasoning. University of Regina, pp. 42-47. ISBN 9780773102781.


Riall, Lucy (1994) The Italian Risorgimento: State, Society and National Unification. Historical Connections. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415057752.

Roseneil, Sasha (1994) Disrupting gender and sexual identities? Introduction. In: Griffin, G. and Roseneil, Sasha and Hester, M. and Rai, S. (eds.) Stirring it: Challenges for Feminism. Feminist perspectives on the past and present. London, UK: Taylor & Francis, pp. 71-73. ISBN 9780748402137.

Roseneil, Sasha (1994) Gender. In: Haralambos, M. (ed.) Developments In Sociology. Ormskirk, UK: Causeway Press, pp. 87-103. ISBN 9781873929209.

Ruben, David (1994) A counterfactual theory of causal explanation. Nous 28 , pp. 465-481. ISSN 0029-4624.


Salecl, Renata (1994) The spoils of freedom: psychoanalysis, feminism and ideology after the fall of socialism. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415073585.

Sapire, Hilary (1994) Apartheid's 'testing ground': urban 'native policy' and African politics in Brakpan South Africa 1943-1948. Journal of African History 35 (1), pp. 99-123. ISSN 0021-8537.

Segal, Lynne (1994) Straight sex: the politics of pleasure. London, UK: Virago. ISBN 9780520200012.

Shipway, Martin (1994) Creating an emergency: metropolitan constraints on French colonial policy and its breakdown in Indo-china, 1945-1947. In: Holland, R.F. (ed.) Emergencies and Disorder in the European Empires after 1945. London, UK: Frank Cass & Co, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780714641096.

Shultz, T.R. and Mareschal, Denis and Schmidt, W.C. (1994) Modeling cognitive development on balance scale phenomena. Machine Learning 16 (1/2), pp. 57-86. ISSN 0885-6125.

Sibert, Anne (1994) The allocation of seigniorage in a common currency area. Journal of International Economics 37 (1-2), pp. 111-122. ISSN 0022-1996.

Singh, Robert S. (1994) The Congressional Black Caucus in the United States Congress 1971-1990. Parliaments, Estates and Representation 14 (1), pp. 65-91. ISSN 0260-6755.

Smith, Jonathan A. (1994) Reconstructing selves: an analysis of discrepancies between women’s contemporaneous and retrospective accounts of the transition to motherhood. British Journal of Psychology 85 (3), pp. 371-392. ISSN 0007-1269.

Smith, Jonathan A. (1994) Towards reflexive practice: engaging participants as co-researchers or co-analysts in psychological inquiry. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 4 (4), pp. 253-260. ISSN 1052-9284.

Smith, Ron P. and Dunne, P. (1994) Is military spending a burden? a 'Marxo-marginalist' response to Pivetti. Cambridge Journal of Economics 18 (5), pp. 515-521. ISSN 0309-166X.

Soukeras, S. and King, Peter J.H. (1994) TFDL: a temporal functional language for the management of historical databases. In: Karagiannis, D. (ed.) Database and Expert Systems Applications, 5th International Conference: DEXA '94. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 856. Springer, pp. 259-269. ISBN 9783540584353.

Soukeras, S. and King, Peter J.H. (1994) Temporal databases: an event oriented approach. In: Bowers, D.S. (ed.) Directions in Databases, 12th British National Conference on Databases: BNCOD 12. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 826. Springer, pp. 38-54. ISBN 9783540582359.

Sullivan, Sian (1994) Book review: Savanna details with a paradigm shift: review of "An African savanna". Scholes, R.J. and Walker, B.H. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Journal of Biogeography 21 (4), p. 448. ISSN 1365-2699.

Swann, Julian (1994) Parlements and political crisis in France under Louis XV: The Besancon Affair, 1757-1761. Historical Journal 37 (4), pp. 803-828. ISSN 0018-246X.

Swann, Julian (1994) Parlements and political crisis in France under Louis XV: the Besançon affair 1757-61. The Historical Journal 37 (4), pp. 803-828. ISSN 0018-246X.


Tasker, Fiona and Richards, M.P.M. (1994) Adolescents' attitudes toward marriage and marital prospects after parental divorce: a review. Journal of Adolescent Research 9 (3), pp. 340-362. ISSN 0743-5584.

Tomkin, D. and Hanafin, Patrick (1994) Medical law in Ireland. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer. ISBN 9789065449436.

Trentmann, Frank (1994) Civilisation and its discontents: English neo-romanticism and the transformation of anti-modernism in Twentieth-Century western culture. Journal of Contemporary History 29 (4), pp. 583-625. ISSN 0022-0094.


Underwood, Charlie J. (1994) Faunal transport within event horizons in the British Upper Silurian. Geological Magazine 131 (4), pp. 485-498. ISSN 0016-7568.

Underwood, Charlie J. and Bottrell, S.H. (1994) Diagenetic controls on the pyritization of graptolites. Geological Magazine 131 (3), pp. 315-327. ISSN 0016-7568.


Walker, John (1994) Der echte ring vermutlich ging verloren: Lessing's ringparabel and the contingency of enlightenment in Nathan der Weise. Oxford German Studies 23 (1), pp. 45-70. ISSN 0078-7191.

Weber, Alexander (1994) Je gelehrter, desto verkehrter. Ein Deutscher an der Universität Cambridge im 18. Jahrhundert. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Weber, Alexander (1994) Über naturerfahrung und landschaft in grimmelshausens simplicissimus. Daphnis 23 (1), pp. 61-84. ISSN 0300-693X.

Westgarth-Smith, Angus (1994) Japanese knotweed. Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture 18 (1), p. 3. ISSN 1756-9575.

Wright, Tony (1994) Citizens and subjects: an essay on British politics. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415049641.


Zakharyaschev, Michael (1994) A new solution to a problem of Hosoi and Ono. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (3), pp. 450-457. ISSN 0029-4527.

Zhao, X. and Johnson, Roger and Martin, N.J. (1994) DBJ: a dynamic balancing hash join algorithm in multiprocessor database systems. Information Systems 19 (1), pp. 89-100. ISSN 0306-4379.

Zhao, X. and Johnson, Roger and Martin, N.J. (1994) DBJ: a dynamic balancing hash join algorithm in multiprocessor database systems. In: Jarke, M. and Bubenko, J.A. and Jeffery, K.G. (eds.) Advances in Database Technology: 4th International Conference on Extending Database Technology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 779. Springer, pp. 301-308. ISBN 9783540578185.

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