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Crossdressing, remakes, and national stereotypes: the Germany-Hollywood connection

Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2012) Crossdressing, remakes, and national stereotypes: the Germany-Hollywood connection. In: Ginsberg, T. and Mensch, A. (eds.) A Companion to German Cinema. Wiley, pp. 379-404. ISBN 9781405194365.

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Book synopsis: A Companion to German Cinema offers a wide-ranging collection of essays demonstrating state-of-play scholarship on German cinema at a time during which cinema studies as well as German cinema have once again begun to flourish.


Item Type: Book Section
Keyword(s) / Subject(s): Germany–Hollywood connection, crossdressing, national stereotypes, crossdressing, comedy concept, role reversal, mistaken identity, stories of mistaken identity, playfully countering anxieties, German films, 1920s, competitor, cultural rival of Hollywood, transnationalism in film, not just a recent phenomenon, male-to-female crossdressing and homosexuality, transnational, transcultural remakes, gender-role transformations, Viktor and Viktoria, comic potential in “sexual crisis”, Weimar culture, battles over changing gender perceptions, remakes, resituating Weimar comedies into contemporary, Germany
School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication
Research Centres and Institutes: Birkbeck Interdisciplinary Research in Media and Culture (BIRMAC) (Closed), Gender and Sexuality, Birkbeck (BiGS), Social Research, Birkbeck Institute for (BISR), Aesthetics of Kinship and Community, Birkbeck Research in (BRAKC)
Depositing User: Administrator
Date Deposited: 01 Dec 2014 13:15
Last Modified: 09 Aug 2023 12:35


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