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Futuretrack: part-time students, exploring the issues

Callender, Claire (2008) Futuretrack: part-time students, exploring the issues. In: 4th Annual Part-Time Study in Higher Education Conference, 2008, Barbican Conference Centre, London, UK. (Unpublished)

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Event synopsis: Part-time students are now accounting for 45.6% of university enrolments, underlining the need to revisit provisions for part-time students and to increase efforts to support work-based based students and adult learners. This conference will look at key challenges part-time study is providing for institutions and learners alike, particularly: � Consider questions about employability of part-time students � Hear from Professor Christine King about findings of her inquiry into part-time study conducted for the Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills � Understand adult learners and the needs and requirements they have when studying part-time � Discuss the impact of the changes to equivalent or lower qualification funding (ELQ funding) and have a constructive assessment of possible solutions to the challenges institutions will face � Evaluate innovative ways of delivering the curriculum, either face-to face or through distance learning


Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences
Research Centres and Institutes: Gender and Sexuality, Birkbeck (BiGS), Social Research, Birkbeck Institute for (BISR)
Depositing User: Sarah Hall
Date Deposited: 27 Jan 2015 13:48
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:14


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