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    Marie NDiaye: l'étrangeté à l'œuvre

    Asibong, Andrew and Jordan, S. (2009) Marie NDiaye: l'étrangeté à l'œuvre. Revue des sciences humaines., Nouvelle série 293. Villeneuve d’Ascq, France: Septentrion Presses Universitaires. ISBN 9782913761407.

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    (Translated from the French) This edition explores the work of Marie N'Diaye, one of the most important contemporary writers in France. This is the first volume of essays devoted entirely to this author. It combines the analysis of twelve researchers, each focusing on the most fundamental aspect of writing N'Diaye: its strangeness. It covers several thematic areas and generic, including studies that consider the fantastic, ethics, language, visual aesthetics, politics and literary form in N'Diaye (novels, children's literature, theater, autofiction ).


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