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    Back to the future: gendering the economy in Twenty-First Century drama

    Louise, Owen (2016) Back to the future: gendering the economy in Twenty-First Century drama. In: Adiseshiah, S. and LePage, L. (eds.) Twenty First Century Drama: What Happens Now. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137484024. (Submitted)

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    Taking theatrical responses to the financial crisis of 2007-8 as a prompt, Owen examines the mediation of neoliberal economic transformation in four plays - David Eldridge's Market Boy (2006), Dennis Kelly's Love and Money (2006), Lucy Prebble's Enron (2009) and David Hare's The Power of Yes (2009) - two of which were developed before the emergence of the crisis. Through a close analysis of the plays on the page and in performance, she theorizes the plays' shared recourse to constructs of gender and sexuality to dramatize economic concerns.


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